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6 tips to relieve a baby with gas

6 tips to relieve a baby with gas

The gases. One of those traveling companions of our little ones during the first days, of the most annoying and the least welcome.
When after eating your baby breaks in crying and turns red, it is exasperating. As dads, it is very complicated because you feel very bad. They also tend to be complicated to expel so they make you suffer double.
In our blog, we have several posts talking about gases and with some tricks to reduce them. Today, however, we are going to write this post summarizing a bit all those tips that we give you to improve the state of your baby.
1. To reduce the amount of gas ingested by the baby, we must try to anticipate their needs. Sometimes, when a baby is hungry, it eats very quickly which produces an intake of air. If you offer your breast or bottle before you are hungry, you will eat more quietly and probably eat less air. After feeding we will try to have baby expulse air. 

2. If your baby drinks artificial milk and uses a bottle, try to find a bottle that is anti-colic. These are different because they have anti air valves. Here you will find an article where we talk about the best bottles.

3.Massages. Massages can help mobilize stagnant gas. The most important thing, but, is to bear in mind that these massages will only be performed at those times when the baby is relaxed. Never, we will manipulate the gut when it is in full weeping, since it will only cause more damage and rejection. If you are interested in reading more about massage for the baby, click here.

4. Portion. The portage is a very practical tool also to expel gases. When carrying them, as there is some movement favors the expulsion of these.
5. If your baby takes a pacifier, it depends on which pacifier you use, it can also favor the intake of air. Try to buy specific pacifiers that reduce this intake.
6. When the baby breaks into tears. The best thing you can do is relieve the pain with thermotherapy. If you use the Wawa Band, it will allow you to apply heat contained in the belly without needing to take the cushion and keep it on by hand (with all the movement of the baby, it is really a difficult task). In addition, it has an Anti-Burns security system that warns you if it is too hot to place in the baby's tummy.

If you are interested in seeing what massage tools we use, connect here.
If you are interested in seeing what Wawa Band we have, connect here.
If you want to see which scarves / porters we recommend, connect here.