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A newborn and San Juan

A newborn and San Juan

Today, families, in Catalonia it is the verbena of San Juan. As you may already know, the party consists of throwing firecrackers. It would be a style of "failures" but much smaller. Hehehe!

The symbolism of San Juan is very beautiful, because it was born on the summer solstice. It is the shortest night of the year and, for this, families got together to “make a clean slate and a new account”. For this, in the bonfires of San Juan everything bad this year is burned.

This year we are going to burn the “Coronavirus” so that there is no more regrowth and we do not have to be locked up at home again.

The point, but, is that with the bonfires and the beautiful symbols; It is accompanied by firecrackers. And firecrackers can sometimes be more troublesome. Especially in those who do not understand very well what is happening.

I have to admit that firecrackers give me a certain measure. And at times, with so much firecracker I have become overwhelmed. Unintentionally, and being aware of my safety, I am filled with anxiety. If an adult who understands what is happening affects me. How will it not affect our newborns?

That is why, today we send a series of recommendations if you see that your little one is affected.

Throughout today, we will be listening to firecrackers. This is inevitable. It may be that your little one is uneasy and getting to reconcile is a dream.

This is why we will look to keep routines as strict as possible. Don't skip the routine of going to sleep. Today more than ever you will need it. You need peace of mind. Play soft, calming music. Let her hear this instead of the firecrackers. The bathtub before going to sleep, make it relaxing.

If the massage relaxes you, don't skip the massage after the shower. If, on the contrary, you are excited by massages, today is not the day for it. We better leave it for tomorrow.

The Wawa Band is super relaxing with its smell and warmth. Put it on before going to sleep, to promote relaxation.

Make sure I can go to sleep early. So that the session of firecrackers at night catches you sleeping. Put him in an interior room, if possible. Or else it's closed. To prevent firecrackers from waking you up.

When you are awake, carry. You need contact, you need security. And today more than ever, they will need porting.

And, with these, enjoy your verbena a lot!