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A shoutout to returning routines

A shoutout to returning routines
With the return of the holidays. We return to routines. Blessed routines! How much our children need so much. You probably all noticed your little revolutionaries. After the long summer, months of not having strict routines. We noticed that our kids are a little more of everything. With a greater tendency to answer, with a greater tendency to get angry, with a greater tendency to tantrums. And it seems impossible that something as GOOD as vacations can end up making us all crazy.

And now the time has passed and it is time to return to the routine. And is that there is already the desire, on the part of everyone, to return to school. Of learning. Do different activities every day. To reorder the day. To have the time to wake up marked. To respect the time to eat and the hour of dinner to the minute. To get accustomed to a rhythm and to be able to predict what will happen.

And is that our children, as children get used to and love routines. Do you remember when your baby became a bad mood when you got away from the routine? We are routine beings. We need routines. We need to anticipate what will happen with more need than we think.

In Kusi Wawa we know it. And we want routines with all the love in the world. Because we know that thanks to them, children sleep. Thanks to them, Mom and Dad can have their moments. Thanks to them, it eats better. Thanks to them your little girl laughs and cries a little less. Thanks to them, in our home, HAPPINESS reigns!

And what are we going to do! If we are total FANS of our routines. And is that when we discover that thanks to the routine of the Kusi Wawa Method we were able to calm our little girl with colic, and they put us in the pocket. There's no more.

If you would like to know more about our Kusi Wawa Method, visit our Kusi Wawa Method section of the website.