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Baby Colic and anise

Baby Colic and anise
Today we have a very sad news from Chile, but we've been talking about it for some time now. But because of the danger of that "remedy of the whole life", today we are going to dedicate an exclusive post to it. We talked about the habit of infusing star anise to newborns to treat colic of the infant. A practice not recommended by pediatricians and may endanger your newborn.

As always, danger is in abuse. However, a newborn is so delicate that when ingested we can not control 100% the amounts ingested, and it is practically impossible to have exhaustive control. As a consequence, two babies were admitted to Chile with seizures.

But do we know why the infusion of star anise is so harmful?

In 2008 in the community of madrid a study was made. As is a common practice among parents, they worked with a city hospital to see the possible cause of the infants' income and possible relationship with anise. It is a study that we recommend you read because it is very interesting. You will find link at the end of the post. The conclusion was a very simple explanation. There are two star anise varieties: Illicium anisatum and Illicium verum. Illicium verum is known as star anise. It is used in infants such as eupéptico, carminative and antispasmodic. Although its use in high doses is related to the appearance of convulsions and drowsiness. The Illiciuam anisatum is a variety very similar to the verum (to an eye they are impossible to differentiate) and that is a more toxic spice without medicinal properties. After a small ingestion you can try neurological, cardiological and gastrointestinal failures. It is very dangerous to infants.

Although no infusion is recommended to give a newborn, the probability of confusing illicium verum with anisatum is very high. And the consequences of doing so are very dangerous. Therefore, the study pediatricians advised against any use of this medicinal plant to treat the small.

If you want to know other alternatives to treat colic of the infant naturally and not intrusive, visit this post in our blog. You will find all kinds of measures and helps so that your little one does not have to suffer during this stage.



