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Baby colic and high demand children

Baby colic and high demand children
In these last days I have been giving many turns to the subject of children of High Demand. I have no doubt that our daughter was. Especially now that I can compare first hand with other babies. Calm, sleeping, eating and drinking. Of course they cry, because all babies cry at some point when something they do not like (or they are uncomfortable with a dirty diaper, or they are hungry, etc.)

High demand children are something else without a doubt. In my personal experience, our daughter did not sleep all day. I could not eat almost. I had to have the food prepared and, right after breastfeeding, I had to eat in seconds because if I did not eat like that, I would not eat. A shower was unthinkable, because our daughter would scream as if we were torturing her. A stroller ride? It was a punishment for her. She cried, cried and cried. And let's not talk about the car anymore. I could not stand being in the car seat. And no, it did not calm her down or make her sleep. It made her scream, made her cry, made her suffer ...

Sometimes walking (to leave home more than anything) when I was crossing with other parents with their sleeping baby inside their carrycot gave me such a great pain. Why did she have to cry so much? At that time, I did not even think I could be a high-demand baby. I saw she was very alert. My mother! If she was born with her eyes open! The first time I saw her in the hospital, right after she was born, she had those pretty big eyes looking at me! Deep eyes, which seemed to know this world already. A pass! When she gave me a truce in her little chair, instead of relaxing and falling asleep with her swaying was dedicated to getting stronger. The cradle of the cradle, instead of remaining calm looking at it, played to try to touch it with his feet (with only a month!), When we put it on a rocker, instead of enjoying the rocking seemed to study the mechanism to know how It worked. I should not have been more than two months already dancing the "Uptown funck" of Bruno Mars with me.

There was no doubt that it was a little different. What am I going to tell you that I am the mother? That is a special girl. LOL! But everything comes at a price ... without a doubt! And the battles that we had so that during the day, at least a siesta of 30 minutes are indescribable. And, to what I was going with these thoughts, I often feel that colic (in our case) should be closely linked to their characteristics. It was a baby who barely slept. I always had to be in touch with me and, thanks to the porteo, why not, I do not know how we would have done it! Always so alert, always awake (anyone fell asleep that this was a waste of time and spirit!) Certainly came the night that was more than tired. She was exhausted.

As you will know, in Kusi Wawa we are of the current that believes that colic have two very differentiated parts very important:

- Colic starts with a physical pain / discomfort felt by the baby in the intestinal tract. It hurts or bothers you. It is for this reason that we treat this discomfort with the Wawa Band. Heat acts as an analgesic, so you stop feeling pain. In addition, the heat activates the circulation so that applied to the intestinal zone helps to expel gases, to facilitate the transit to poop, etc. Aromatherapy certainly helps to relax both baby and parents.

- Once the baby feels the pain in the tummy is despaired. He does not know how to deal with this discomfort, so he starts to cry (it's the only way they can communicate it). He despairs, begins to move hands and legs fast. The more he moves the more nervous he gets. Being tired all day, their ability to "endure" such discomfort is very difficult for them. This is what we say, the most emotional part of colic. In this part, we need to give the baby the necessary support to help him relax. And we do it through five "steps" to follow that suggests an American pediatrician: Dr Harvey Karp (www.happiestbaby.com).

More than anything, we interpret it as suggestions to take into account, although you have to adapt them to your baby and what you see that he likes. For us, the combination of both factors was key to relax our little one because, the one without the other seemed to have a deficiency. Something was missing.

When our little girl despaired, now I see very clearly that it was also due to the "rhythm of life" she wore during the day. Not wanting to sleep, always alert, always playing or doing 'sport' (for your age, raising your legs to touch the mobile or rocking to get bounced faster could be considered as such). Our little girl burst in the afternoon.

I know that everything affects the outcome. And many times, not only the state of the babies but also the state of the parents. If it was that when the afternoon came, not only was our daughter busted. I also! She was exhausted from the rhythm she'd had to wear throughout the day. I could not ... and there was still the final line! The Kusi Wawa Method, thanks to its simplicity, helps give options to parents who no longer know what to do to relax the baby. They are guidelines to follow that, after a time of applying day by day you are making yours and adapt them to what your baby needs. Precisely this tranquility of knowing what to do, having a goal, knowing what you are helping us reassures us a lot. And there's no better place to palliate your baby's colic than quiet parents.

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