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The Kusi Wawa and Rubio methods revolution

The Kusi Wawa and Rubio methods revolution
If your baby cries bereaved more than three hours a day, for more than three days a week ... you probably have a case of colic at home. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Spanish Association of pediatrics agree that 1 in 4 children suffer from them in the first months of life. These cramps that affect babies between 2 weeks and at most four months (as usual).

You will recognize crying because your baby cries in a disconsolate way for several days in a row and usually starts at the same time each day. When she is in crisis, she has a tight little wig and shakes her arms and legs. Besides, no matter how hard you try, it seems impossible to reassure him.

As you well know, the Kusi Wawa Method works on colic focusing on two aspects of it. We say it is an Active method, since we develop it when we are in full crisis (see post on different treatments for colic here).

First, you begin by treating the physical part of the baby's colic by applying heat to the abdominal area. The heat acts as an analgesic so it reduces the feeling of pain. In addition, heat helps to expel gases or generate movement so it can help improve intestinal transit. The second phase of the Kusi Wawa Method addresses the most emotional part of colic. In this part, we apply the theory of the 5 S of Dr Harvey Karp (see post)

But we have always commented that, like everything else, if we combine the Kusi Wawa Method with other preventive methods we believe that the result will be the optimum. Today we are here to talk about the Blond Method.
The blog was written in collaboration with the baby care center MySalus, where Carlota - his specialist in child physiotherapy and therapist of the Rubio Method - talks about the benefits of applying the Blond Method.

This method consists of a gentle massage in which small pressures are made listening and waiting for the response of the tissues of the abdomen until it is able to relax and elastify the digestive system. Actually, what we are looking for is an activation of the intestinal transit and the peristaltic movement of the intestine in a natural way. In this way, we try to make the bowel work properly and the cramps do not appear.

The main benefits of applying this gentle massage are:
• Improves food assimilation and facilitates waste disposal.
• Increased overall well-being. The dream is of higher quality and while awake is more relaxed being able to attend to its surroundings.
• Rest for the whole family and the possibility of enjoying pleasant moments.

If we add to all this, that ... in case they arrive, we are prepared with the Kusi Wawa Method, it will really be very difficult for the colic to appear!
