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Baby massage

Baby massage

When a baby is born, especially if it is the first in the family, everything is absolutely new. We do not know what to do, what goes well, what goes wrong ... Actually, there is nothing specific that goes well or badly. It all depends on how the family is organized.

However, it is proven that performing massages to newborns has many advantages.

The first one, and undoubtedly, for us the most important one, is the effective bond that is created between parents and baby. The massage is one of the most tender moments of the day and you have to do it calmly, with love, with happiness. The baby may even seem weird at first. You have to start little by little. But in the long run, he will thank you so much that in the end just seeing the little pot of oil will give you wide smiles.

It also has many physical advantages.

The massages in the gut area help regulate the digestive system. Helping to expel gases, stools and thus reducing the infant's colic.

Massages in the chest area help to develop the respiratory system. There are even specific massages for the winter season to help expel those annoying mucus.

They help tone the baby's muscles.

The contact, at the same time, helps boost your immune system and develop the nervous system.

It represents a very important help when it comes to releasing tensions, be they physical or emotional and favor relaxation. What allows babies to sleep more and better.

As a structure, it also helps us generate routines. Newborns need a certain structure to anticipate what time of day it is and massages are a very effective point of reference.

What do you need to do the massage?

The first and most important: Love. One's eyes go out when we finish showering the baby or we change it and naturally we tend to massage and caress him.

But apart from love, it is important to know a certain technique. It is precisely because of this that we collaborate with the Spanish Association of Infant Massage, since they have a very extensive network of professionals trained in the art of baby massage. The best we can recommend is that you go to any professional in your area to perform a massage workshop and learn how we should do it.

And finally, to perform the massage, you will need a natural oil. Forget about creams with colognes or aromas. What the baby needs is a natural oil that does not cause allergies and that keeps the olfactory field sterile. At Kusi Wawa we have created a natural sweet almond oil together with AEMI, since it is the best oil for baby's skin. The pots are opaque glass to maintain their purity and have a dispenser that releases the oil drop by drop to avoid spilling it.
You will find our oil here.

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