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Benefits of applying heat on baby's belly

Benefits of applying heat on baby's belly
The benefits of applying heat in the abdominal area are recognized since ancient times. Everyone knows the grandmother's remedy of applying heat to the belly when it hurts.

In this post, we want to delve into the benefits of applying heat in the abdominal area.

In many reference portals, where we will seek opinions and recommendations to help with the health of our children, recommend the application of heat to relieve gas and colic of the infant. In Net Moms we find an article dedicated exclusively to talk about home remedies that you can use to treat gases. Spanish babycenter, Elbebe.com, Sanitas and bebesymas often dedicate posts to give recommendations on how to relieve infant colic. Among other options, we see the application of heat in the abdominal area.

An article in natursan.net, explains that in 2006, at the annual conference of the Physiological Society, a group of scientists from the University College London (UCL) of the United Kingdom, presented their findings on why heat is analgesic, offering a scientific answer to why heat has been used for a long time as a home remedy to relieve pain.
According to these experts, when applying a hot water bag or any other hot utensil of about 40º C to the skin in the area where the pain occurs, it activates the heat receptors located in that area, which block the effect of the chemical messengers that are causing the organism to detect such pain.

That is to say, heat is really capable of deactivating pain at the molecular level, in a manner quite similar to how analgesic drugs work. Also, of course, to provide comfort.

At the same time, if we study the path of the gas components through thermodynamics, we see that their tendency is always to evolve and move. for this reason, heat also helps to displace gases and regulate intestinal transit.

These are, then, the particularities that make the application of the Wawa Band of the Kusi Wawa Method produce such a relaxing and healing effect. And it makes it a crucial tool for caring for your baby.

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Know the kusi wawa method to help relieve babies suffering from colic
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