Kusi Wawa in El Mundo
El Mundo highlights the Wawa Band of Kusi Wawa as one of the star products of this 2016 edition
Anti- colic diets?
Today we take a deep look on how the mother's diet can affect the baby in having colic.
Pregnancy with our furry ones
Today we talk about our exprience with our furry baby: Shadow. how he had to adapt to a new reality and some recommendations on how to manage it.
Come see us at Puericultura Madrid 2016
If you are a store and want to know more about Kusi Wawa, visit us in Puericultura Madrid from September 29th to october 2nd.
La Blogger - Mi deseo cumplido: Claudia - usa la Wawa Band
The blog "Mi deseo cumplido: Claudia" shares with us their experience with la Wawa Band
Viviendo con peques talks about Kusi wawa
Maria, from the blog Viviendo con Peques dedica un post a los mejores métodos par aliviar el cólico del lactante. Kusi Wawa no podía faltar!
Kusi Wawa interview in Tot És Possible de Rac1
Aquí teneis la entrevista que Elisenda Camps de Tot es Possible hizo a Meritxell Vinyas, fundadora de Kusi Wawa, el pasado 13 de septiembre.
Stephani Baroni, baby colic and her marriage
Hoy compartimos la experiencia de la Blogger Stephani Baroni en como los cólicos de su bebé afectaron su matrimonio.