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Natta Beauty, a blogger, uses Kusi Wawa and is very happy with its results

Natta Beauty, a blogger, uses Kusi Wawa and is very happy with its results
Another week more ... we bring you a most interesting post!

This time we focused on the youtuber and instagramer Natalia Ortiz, better known as Natta Beauty, who is happy with our product and wanted to include it in one of her videos.

In this video, attached to the end of the post, Natalia makes mention of the two functions with which our method has helped her in her day to day, with her son Leo.

First of all, he mentions the main function of Kusi Wawa: relieving the famous cramps of the infant, thus reassuring the baby.

Secondly, she tells us how both her husband and her resort to the Wawa Band and the Wawa Wrap when Leo starts crying and they do not know what's wrong with him. Thanks to this Leo is calm, which is why they have baptized the Wawa Band as "the magic belt".

At the same time, he mentions the set of factors for which our Kusi Wawa method is effective: thermotherapy, focused on alleviating physical pain thanks to its analgesic property; aromatherapy, effective to lift the mood and balance emotions; and the cooing of the baby, offering him the emotional support he needs to finally calm down completely.


We were delighted to see how we have really been able to help her and how effective it has been with her beloved Leo ... We hope that the "magic belt" continues to release so much magic!


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