Wawa Mom belt in the center Dexeus woman
Now you can use the Wawa Mom belt in the Dexeus delivery room
How will I know I'm in labor?
They include the Wawa Mom in the Dexeus video of how to know you are in labor
Introducing the Wawa Mom Belt at the FAME 2019 Congress
Laura Tarrats presents her project at the Congress of the FAME
Study says: massages reduce baby colic
We talk about a study published in 2018 with the results of massaging a baby
Relieve your baby's colic with the combination of hydrotherapy, massage and the Kusi Wawa Method.
A Coruña baby Spa now has the most complete method to treat baby colic
Amarsupiel and the Kusi Wawa Method to relieve infant colic
Combine the Kusi Wawa method with carrying your baby with Amarsupiel to alleviate colic