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Can baby colic be genetic?

Can baby colic be genetic?
When you are pregnant, especially in the third trimester, there are some concerns about the baby. This is already about to arrive and you want it to be all perfect for your arrival. It is usually in this quarter when the mother suffers from what is known as "nesting", in which she arises the need to clean the whole house, prepare the room, etc. At a level exaggerated. But this is the innermost instinct we have. That which can not be controlled and that in maternity comes out to shine more than once.

Together with these natural instincts, we also find doubts and fears. What if I do not do it right? What if I do not know how to do it? This in first-time mothers; But in the second pregnancy also arise other doubts And if they do not get along? What if I do not know how to manage both? In short ... above all to say that you do not have to suffer ... why you're going to be a great mother! The best mom your baby can have. And, among so many doubts, it becomes increasingly meaningful to worry about one of the first fears of motherhood: colic. Will my child have colic? If so, what can I do to help you?

And as this is a fairly common question, a team of American researchers set out to see if colic would then be genetic. If it were the case, it would be wonderful and perverse at the same time. Why if you or your partner had cramps the most likely is that your children have them and you would be resigned to suffer them. But if you did not have them ... you are free! However, we have good / bad news. They are not.

It has not been possible to relate the fact of having colic with a genetic component. Parents who have not had cramps have had colicky babies and vice versa. As we know, still today it is not known very well what causes them. The American Pregnancy Association defines colic as a mixture of different degrees and different combinations that range from bowel discomfort to high baby sensitivity. So many times it is more emotional than physical, so genetics has no effect on this game.

So, if your baby has colic, gas or any other type of intestinal discomfort. In the first place, it's nothing genetic. It is temporary and you can solve it. If you are a foretaste, do with the Kusi Wawa Combo before it is born, you will see that if it is not for one thing ... you will use it. And do not be afraid, why you will be the best parts of the world!

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