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How local heat can help treat disquecia

How local heat can help treat disquecia

Babies suffering from dyschezia are those who have difficulty going to the bathroom. They are very small babies, usually happens in the first months of life. And they are not rubbed babies, that is to say, that when they leave the faeces you will be able to see that they are liquid like those of any infant. Quite simply, at maturational level they have not learned to control their body and when they have to expel the feces instead of pressing to favor the exit, they become so tense that they hinder this expulsion.
We will recognize them because they tend to get very red when they have to go to the bathroom. They cry a lot, and show discomfort when it's time to go to the bathroom.

Why does the heat help them?

1. Heat is a natural analgesic. In the same way that we get warm in the cervical, in the belly when we have menstrual cramps or in the muscles when we have an injury to relieve pain; The effect that heat produces on our babies is exactly the same. Without a doubt, as a baby it is necessary to have a very controlled temperature at which we apply this heat. Since the newborn's skin is very delicate and we could burn it very easily. It is precisely for this reason that the Wawa Band incorporates a unique ANTI BURNING DEVICE on the market that alerts you when the cushion is too hot to place the baby's tripita on top.

2. Heat is a muscle relaxant. Considering that the reason why the baby has problems to expel feces is a matter of relaxation, if we favor the relaxation of the muscles and the baby, we will also favor the expulsion of these feces. The Aromatherapy component that contains the thermal cushion of the Wawa Band also helps to promote the relaxation of your baby.

3. If we study the laws of thermodynamics, we see that when there is a stagnant gas, when the temperature of the environment where it is modified modifies the movement of this gas to the nearest outlet. If we apply this law to the intestinal zone, we will see how the heat favors the intestinal transit and the expulsion of gases. All this can also help the child to find himself better and go to the bathroom.

When will we use the Wawa Band?

Initially, we will place the Wawa Band and its heat effect at the moment we see that the baby begins to feel uncomfortable. But as we study your routine and can predict when you usually have your time, we can even anticipate and put the warm band before it is bad.

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