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INFANT COLIC Pain or stress?

INFANT COLIC Pain or stress?
The summary of the multiple definitions of infant colic is uncontrollable crying that occurs during the first three months of the baby's life and usually occurs in the evening or the first part of the night.   
After several readings, infant colic is mostly attributed to a baby who does not have his needs satisfied. However, there are babies who, despite having their needs satisfied, also have crying spasms.   
Rosa Jové explains in her book about happy upbringing: “Man, by the fact that he walks on his feet and has the cranial circumference that he has, is supposed to be born earlier than we would actually be prepared for. An exterogestation is therefore imposed, as in kangaroos.”  
It is for this reason that babies are so comfortable in an environment or circumstance that reminds them of their mother's womb. (skin-to-skin contact, mom and dad's arms, listening to mom and dad's voice, carrying, sleeping with mom and dad in contact...)  
What happens when your baby experiences stress during the day? When night comes he can't take it anymore and explodes with pain.   
Stress results in alterations of the digestive system. A baby with an unmet need becomes stressed, cries, and the more he cries, the more the stress increases, which causes gastric pain. The more pain, the more crying, and the more crying, the more stress and the more pain and the more they cry, and a vicious circle that is difficult to solve begins.   
As Rosa Jové expresses well, we can have a reductionist vision and calm the episode of colic with all our tools, or we can broaden our vision and look for what is the cause of the problem to avoid nights of crying.  
SUMMARY: Parenting in a way that the baby does not get stressed  
For example:   
Feeding on demand  
Respecting the sleep windows  
Dealing with crying early  
Encourage contact (skin to skin, carrying, arms, etc.)  
Interacting with him in his waking moments   
MY experience.... Despite the gratuitous comments that I am spoiling my son with so much arm, I have decided to encourage CARRYING whenever I can and reduce the stroller, because I detected that the days when my son had less contact and used utensils several that took him away from me (crib, stroller, nest, hammock...) the nights were worse and he suffered occasional episodes of colic.  
And of course, I don't stop using Wawa Band, with its heat and its aroma, along with the contact of its mother or father, Lúar relaxes quickly 