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Kusi Wawa's birthday

Kusi Wawa's birthday
A year ago Kusi Wawa was born. We had been preparing it for months, gestating it ... but on June 1 our project was born. Born to help parents and moms, with the idea of ​​making families enjoy even more, if possible, the arrival of a newborn at home. We say goodbye to tears, to nerves, to sadness ... and we say hello to smiles, to joy, to disbelief, to the most absolute perfection, to the most beautiful love.

And like a first-time mom, the first year of life is the one that delights the most. 1 year old! So small and so big at the same time. In this year have passed many things. And in most cases, all we can do is thank you. Thank you for all the families that have trusted us. That you have put into our hands the most important thing in your life: your little one. We are proud to think that today more than 1600 families have used some of our products to relax their babies. We also want to thank you for all the stories you shared with us. We LOVE to see your little ones and LOVE them! Every email, every inbox, every text you send us brings us a smile that is filling our heart.

Thank you also to all the professionals who have relied on our first day method. They apply it daily with their children. They believe in us. Because beginnings are not easy and we all need the support of great people like you. ACIP, Balearic Association of Comares, MySalus, Baby Care and Care, Baby Suite by Pau, My Midwives, Enfersalus, etc.

Thanks to all the childcare shops, drugstores, pharmacies, the premamá stores that you have seen our project and you have launched head first. Again, the beginnings are difficult because many shops do not trust, but you have not hesitated a second. We love to see you evolve and as we gradually become part of your basics. Thank you for being like you are and thank you for always being with us.

And last but not least. Thanks to all the super Wawa Mom Bloggers who have used our product and shared it with your moms followers. You girls are wonderful. We do not know how to thank you for your support and your passion for the project. When it sometimes seems that everything is set against it always comes a star that encourages you and reminds you why it all started. Your words, your happiness ... you transmit it to explain how it works, but what you do not know is that it leaves an imprint deepening in our heart.

Thank you all because without you Kusi Wawa would not be where he is. Kusi Wawa would no longer exist. THANK YOU FOR MAKING OUR DREAM COME TRUE