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Kusi Wawa in Puericultura Madrid 2017

Kusi Wawa in Puericultura Madrid 2017
Our cexperience in Puericultura Madrid 2017 was wonderful. 

This year we have met wonderful new stores, who have trusted our product and that they will incorporate it into their stores. We have received visits from Spanish stores, but also international shops.

We have lots of open projects and very interesting potential collaborations. So now we have to work hard to get them done.

We also came to visit Antena 3, Tve Spanish and Telemadrid. They all interviewed us and were fascinated by our products. Especially the Wawa Band and its new security device that we have presented at the fair.

We have also been in the main national newspapers. The world and ABC.

It has been a tremendous experience and we return with batteries charged with energy and excitement.

Thanks to all who came to see us and ... until next time!
