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Kusi Wawa on Playtime Paris and Chilhood Business

Kusi Wawa on Playtime Paris and Chilhood Business

A few weeks ago we went to the well-known Playtime Paris to take the first step towards Europe. They were three intense days and of knowing infinity of stores, distributors and agents of different countries.

All of them were amazed by the innovation of our products and are captivated by both the Wawa Band and the Wawa Mom belt. Both solutions found them very creative and practical for both babies and moms.

At the fair, we have been in contact with designers, with creatives, with clothing manufacturers and with other brands that are wonderful. Maybe soon we will have a draw with some of them!

But the most important thing is that we know how they think and the tastes of countries that we love. As for example Belgium, Switzerland, France, Uk, Russia, Italy. We hope to open the door to all these countries and do it with the strength that such a step requires.

We are excited and working hard to have the logistics, design and graphic material ready to reach more families still, far from our borders.

And to end up being in a cloud, CHILHOOD BUSINESS magazine has dedicated a space to us among the most interesting novelties of the fair. And we love it! We enclose it here.

kusi wawa mention in chilhood business