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AEMI works and recommends working with the Kusi Wawa Method

AEMI works and recommends working with the Kusi Wawa Method
It is an honor to communicate that Kusi Wawa initiates a collaboration with the Spanish Association of Infant Massage.

AEMI is the reference association in Spain for infant massage. It is a non-profit association whose objective is to contribute to the protection of childhood by favoring the development of secure emotional ties within the family, confirming its direct impact on physical, mental and emotional health throughout life.

They are the Spanish representative of the IAIM (International Association of Infant Massage) based in Sweden. This association has become a basic source for Spanish families when it comes to not only receiving technical education, but also to promote Nutritive Touch between parents and their babies.

For Kusi Wawa it is wonderful to be able to collaborate with this association, as they are the main promoters in Spain of secure attachment, natural nurturing, favoring respect and promoting relaxed family environments. All crucial aspects in the philosophy of Kusi Wawa and one of the main reasons for the creation of our company.
As of today, the AEMI will begin to work with the Kusi Wawa Method as a complement to the massages to relieve the youngest children of gas and colic. Throughout these months a communication and training campaign will be carried out for its members so that they can offer a new solution to parents with babies suffering from infant colic.

You can find our products on the AEMI website. A supplement that can help and be a new solution for babies suffering from infant colic. We trust in this quality product that accompanies, without replacing the arms, the caresses and the containment of father and mother, which are the fundamental basis to alleviate them.

Together we will make all babies happier, and fuller homes. 

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