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Legal notice


In compliance with the Spanish 34/2002 law of July 11th, of Information Social Services and E-commerce, we inform that the owner of this website is:

  • Nombre Comercial: Kusiwawa 
  • Correo electrónico: kusi_wawa@kusiwawa.com
  • Identifiación fiscal: J70976824
  • Dirección: Raval de dalt 8, Carme 08787, Barcelona
  • Teléfono:  673245308


Lúar Groupe SCP, is not responsible for the deceitful use that others do of the content in this website, making the person that uses the information responsible only.

Lúar Groupe SCP is not responsible for any third party information that you can access through this website, like links or search engines located in this website. The presence of those links have an informative purpose only.



Lúar Groupe SCP is the owner of the intellectual and industrial rights of all the elements that are included in www.kusiwawa.com, such as the brand, commercial name or distinctive signs. In particular and not limited to; the graphic design, logos, content, illustrations, photos and all other content found on the website.  Therefore, it is forbidden to reproduce, distribute, transform and/or communicate publicly any of it.