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List of things you need and things you don't need for baby first three months

List of things you need and things you don't need for baby first three months

Natta beauty has been one of our Wawa Moms that has most enjoyed and used our Kusi Wawa Method. He dedicated a video to us on his blog, where he showed us how he used it to reassure his little one. If you would like to see it, we remind you of the post we published a few months ago with the video here.

He recently published a new post where he makes an exhaustive list of things that have not served him at all in the first three months of the small and the things he has used a lot and recommended to buy.
And it must be said ... that we are very proud to be part of the list of things he has used a lot and recommends buying. It is a true honor that our Method has done so well to alleviate the colic of your child. Actually, when we help families to alleviate their baby's cramps ... to enjoy motherhood without having to suffer because of so intense crying ... it is true that a connection with these moms is created that is unique. For us, it is the engine that makes us continue every day with the same enthusiasm.

We will attach the video to this post so you can see it without having to leave the page.
