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Migranes and colic

Migranes and colic
Amy Gelfand, MD, Director of the pediatric headache department at USCF Hospital in San Francisco, has just published a study where she has again found a strong link between babies suffering from colic and mothers suffering from migraines from periodic form.

After his study, he found the significant relationship that moms who suffer from migraines are 70% more likely to have a baby suffering from colic.

This new study once again questions everything we have believed about colic so far and makes us reflect again on its origin.
What we are very clear about is that infant colic has a very important emotional component (almost more important than physical pain). It is for this reason that it is essential to develop the entire Kusi Wawa Method as a whole. Because thanks to the method, we wrap our little one, we cradle him, we make him feel good.
In short, the colic moment or the witch hour as some call it, is a response to a day full of stimuli. Tiredness that can result in discomfort and, perhaps, headache.

Precisely because of this, it is so important to keep in mind that when a baby has colic, the day must be structured so that the baby rests, so that the baby sleeps and thus obtain the well-being that he needs. When colic arrives, it's about accompanying him, helping him relax. There are all kinds of aids you can develop during the day: do massages that help relax the baby, encourage naps, carry ... all this has beneficial results and helps reduce the intensity of crying.

And at the time of crying, do not overwhelm it with drops or massages. at the time of crying it is about accompanying him. Doing what helps you calm down. The Wawa Band is a great tool because it favors relaxation. The Wawa Wrap is wonderful because it helps you coo it well and makes you feel as if you were in mom's womb again. And the whole method helps you be relaxed again and accept the suction to just fall asleep.

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