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Baby colic

Baby colic


Babies sometimes have colic when they are born. Colic is one of the things that makes parents suffer the most when their baby is born.


The impotence of hearing your baby scream. The inability to help him… is exhausting. It is devastating. We suffer and it makes us very sad.


For a new mom, it can even affect her health. We all know that postpartum depression is very dangerous and all moms who have their babies with colic have a greater chance of suffering from postpartum depression.


So today we will talk about the Kusi Wawa Method and how it can help you to have the confidence and security of doing it well, while respecting your baby's needs and body.


The method begins by applying heat with the Wawa Band. You heat your seed cushion in the microwave or oven. Your cushion is designed with the weight and size necessary to be safe with our newborns. Kusi Wawa is the only one that has an anti-burn safety device. That allows us to be sure that it is safe to place it on our baby's tummy and that we are not going to burn it.


Once we have placed the cushion inside the belt, we will place it around our baby's body. The belt allows you to keep the seed cushion on your stomach, without having to hold it with your hand.


So, as we have our hands free, this will allow us to cradle our baby well. This step is necessary for him to feel comfortable. Picked up like when it was inside Mom's tummy. We are going to tuck him well, to prevent him from doing so much movement of his arms and legs. It is to temporarily practice containment. Simply to reduce your stress so that later, when you are calm, we can redevelop you if we deem it necessary.


Once the baby is cooed, we are going to pick him up. We are going to sing to him, to swing him…. To make soothing noises. This step is a repetitive step. We are going to repeat it until we see that the little one calms down. At the point that you see that he is calmer, then we can offer him the suction. The suction is the final element that will calm you completely.


Remember that this is a process that you will do every day. Every time I break down in tears. In the end, the baby will end up knowing our routine and will calm down more and more quickly. Remember that the kusi wawa method makes you feel better. Makes it feel good. So you will probably already look forward to your daily routine.


For this reason, in the end, many parents end up incorporating the warmth of the wawa band into their sleep routine. It's nice, it's natural, and our babies love it.


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