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My Experience with Wawa Band

My Experience with Wawa Band
Before joining the Kusi Wawa project, I already knew about the brand and its products thanks to my mother, who made them for them.

Wawa Band was always my favorite gift for friends who were expecting a baby. I thought it was a unique, original and very useful gift.

Then my time came: I found myself pregnant. Not only did I have the opportunity to try the product personally, but I also joined the Kusi Wawa project, experiencing both facets simultaneously.

Today I want to share with you all my experience with Wawa Band. My son, Lúar, did not suffer from colic especially, although there were some specific episodes in which he still had the umbilical cord and I could not use Wawa Band much. I was not sure if it was colic either, since these episodes were sporadic.

However, Lúar did have a lot of gas, episodes of dyschezia from 2 months and occasional difficulties falling asleep on days when we did not respect his sleep windows during the day.

In all these cases, Wawa Band proved to be very useful. Not only did we use it for colic, but it became an essential tool in our daily routine. Every time Lúar showed discomfort of unknown origin, we used Wawa Band. Just like mom and dad's arms, Wawa Band provided warmth, security and calm.

Based on the experience shared with other mothers, I can say that Wawa Band has become the perfect ally for the baby's daily routine, providing tranquility with its aroma and security with its warmth.

We used our Wawa Band in the following cases:

  • Dyschezia
  • Gas
  • Restlessness
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Discomfort
  • Cold