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Natural remedy to relieve infant colic

Natural remedy to relieve infant colic

Colic is the biggest headache that parents have to go through during those first months. Those months when you feel the most insecure. Why everything is new Why do not you know what to do? You still do not have the rhythm of being a father or a mother. But your baby cries and there is one thing he can not avoid: shudder with every cry he makes.

Kusi Wawa is born from the need to find a relief for our daughter. A relief that is effective and natural. Not intrusive We did not want to give medicine or too many ointments to our daughter. So we got down to work to find a Natural way to get rid of those damned cramps.

We started our research and we saw that thermotherapy could help relax our little girl. The heat acts as an analgesic for what caused him to stop hurting the tripita. At the same time, it also generates movement so applied to the intestinal area helps to expel those annoying gases. And all in a nice way for our daughter. We investigated how we could apply heat. We saw that we had to be very careful with the temperature to avoid burning it. So we invented the Wawa Band belt. This allows heating quickly and safely. Being a seed cushion, we know at the outset that it is totally natural and that the temperature will never increase once it is hot. We have controlled the weight of the cushion, so that it does not exceed the weight required on the baby's belly. We also have controlled the temperature, thanks to our latest innovation: the thermal safety device. This warns you when the cushion is too hot, thus avoiding possible burns. Our Wawa Band is the ONLY one in the market that has this device.

Once we have applied heat, in cases of colic we still need the most emotional part to calm the baby. These usually require a lot of pampering from the parents so they can calm down completely. They require, above all contact. So, first of all, we will lull the baby very strong. When cooing, on the one hand you are offering security. He feels wrapped up and practically evokes the feeling he had when he was inside Mom's belly. On the other hand, when cooing, we practice restraint. Therefore, we avoid the rapid movement of arms and legs that babies develop in full colic. This movement, the only thing that makes is to make the baby more nervous and, in this state, it is very difficult to be calmed. Then, we will take him in his arms, we will place him in a position that is comfortable, we will sing to him, we will swing him ... everything that helps him to relax. Until we see that he is more receptive and calm. At that time, it means that the baby has begun to attend to our stimuli and we have managed to reassure him. At that time, to help you to completely calm down (and some even fall asleep), we will offer you the suction (either pacifier or breast).

By performing the method on a daily basis, our children begin to anticipate and every time it costs them less to relax. We are creating a routine that will be very positive for your little one.