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  • ACIP (Associación Catalana de Enfermería Pediátrica

    ACIP (Associación Catalana de Enfermería Pediátrica

    The ACIP is the association that represents all the pediatric nursing community in the region of Catalonia. They are pioneers in training, in presenting updates in baby care and offer support to its associates.

    Currently they work and recommend the Kusi Wawa Method because it is a natural and effective solution to relieve the little ones.

    We have professionals scattered throughout the Catalan territory who have our products and use it daily in their consultations.

  • Asociación  Española de Masaje Infantil

    Asociación Española de Masaje Infantil

    AEMI is a non-profit association whose objective is to contribute to the protection of children by promoting the development of secure emotional ties within the family, confirming its direct impact on physical, mental and emotional health throughout life.

    AEMI works with the Kusi Wawa Method as a complement to their therapies of preventive massage of infant colic. Including our product in their social website.

  • Amelia Hunter

    Amelia Hunter

    Amelia Hunter, CertifiedSleep Consultant and Infant Sleep Expert

    Amelia has more than three years’ experience helping families with sleep problems and has helped more than 100 families in Spain, The United Kingdom, The United States and Australia.

    Amelia uses variousmethods to help families introduce healthy sleep habits for their babies and children up to 8 years of age.

    Amelia trained as an Infant and Child Sleep Consultant in Florida, USA and is currently furthering her studies in Infant Mental Health with the Child Sleep Institute and Department of Psychology of the Hospital of sick children in Toronto, Canada.

    With Kusi Wawa we have been collaborating for more than 2 years to create routines that improve the quality of life of children. helping them to sleep well while relieving colic.

  • Joana Sanchez Fortuny

    Joana Sanchez Fortuny

    Joana regenta un taller de costura en Igualada, cerca de Barcelona. Ella y su equipo son las artistas que han dado forma a los productos KusiWawa. Un taller dónde se respira alegría y dónde, entre canciones, van creando magia.
  • Otras colaboraciones profesionales

    Otras colaboraciones profesionales

    Kusi Wawa collaborates with several infant osteopathy and physiotherapy centers and pediatricians in the Girona and Barcelona area. We are working with them offering our products for baby colic treatment. These professionals are applying our method to alleviate the families that suffer from this disorder and we supervise all cases. With this collaboration system we want to open the door to all professional that struggle with baby colic, to extend our method and arrive to as many families as possible.
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