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Pediatricians' recommendations to put the baby to sleep

Pediatricians' recommendations to put the baby to sleep

The American Academy of Pediatrics always places great emphasis on the recommendations to follow when putting a newborn to sleep.
In large part, because such young babies are at greater risk of sudden infant death. It is precisely for this reason that they always publish a summary of recommendations to follow to ensure that we all know the best way to put our babies to sleep.

1. The baby must sleep on his back until the first year of age.
2. The surface where the baby sleeps should be firm.
3. Avoid having soft objects and bedding on the baby's bed. Forget about the sheets. Forget about the dolls. Is not safe.
4. Avoid exposure to smoke during pregnancy and after birth.
5. Avoid using devices not recommended for safe sleep, such as wedges and positioners.
6. Avoid overheating and sleeping caps on babies' heads

These are, roughly, the most notable elements of the AAP rules at bedtime.
And it was by following these recommendations that we have created the sleeping bag that will allow you to feel safe when you put it to sleep.

Because thanks to the jacket, you can be calm that he is sleeping covered. But you avoid having sheets and other dangerous objects in the crib.
At the same time, as the fabric is breathable and does not overheat, you can rest assured that the baby will not get too hot.
Do you want to know the new Wawa Sleep sleeping bag?

Find it here!
