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Is it true that premature babies are more prone to have baby colic?

Is it true that premature babies are more prone to have baby colic?
Some pregnancies, for reasons of safety or other circumstances, must end before the end of the term (that is, after 37 weeks). And, unfortunately, this fact can come hand in hand with some risks. Our question today is, do premature babies really have a greater tendency to suffer from infant colic than they have been saying all their lives?

And the answer: how everything that is related to colic: is not very clear.

As we have already mentioned, infant colic is defined as a baby suffering from episodes of extreme crying. Usually usually break into tears at about the same time each day; and mostly it usually happens in the evening (although there are exceptions). As the Mayo Clinic well defines, it is a rule of 3: they are babies who cry more than three hours a day, more than three days a week and more than three weeks. Although there has not been much progress in finding the scientific cause of the origin of colic, the American Pregnancy Association has published a number of reasons that could affect the development of colic.

One of them, an immature digestive and nervous system. As premature babies are born before the expected date, they have a higher risk of having an immature system. In this case, both the APA and the Mayo Clinic agree that, due to this immaturity, the chances of suffering from infant colic would also be higher. At the same time, their digestive systems are more sensitive to any change in diet, so any change in the mother's diet (in case of enjoying breastfeeding) or change in artificial milk would greatly affect them.

Another cause that could increase the probability of suffering colic in premature babies is the inability to make a transition between periods of sleep and periods of alertness. The National Institutes of Health conducted a study and found that premature babies experienced periods of undifferentiated sleep. What this means is that these babies had shorter periods of sleep and less intense sleep. What this causes is that these babies feel more tired at the end of the day. As a consequence, this exhaustion is transmitted through desperate crying.
And, finally, if we consider that these previous points could cause crying. Now we receive the bad news that "crying causes more tears". We explain ourselves When a baby is crying desperately, inhale a lot of air. The air causes gas and discomfort in the intestinal area. And this makes the situation even worse.

Any of these previous points can not only affect premature babies. In fact, any term baby who suffers from these conditions is more likely to suffer from colic (and many do so, that's why 40% of babies suffer them to a greater or lesser degree). However, premature babies have a higher risk of developing them. And this is the conclusion of study of these American entities. In this case, the myth is not denied, but as everything related to colics we speak of never certainty probabilities. What we have very clear is that, in any case, it is exclusive to them.

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