Quality control results
A month ago we sent a survey to all the moms and dads who had tried our products ... and we can not be happier!
The survey asked about the experience the roles have had with the products they have bought from Kusi Wawa. We wanted to know if your children have colic or gas ... or something else! And what they gave to any of our pieces.
The results have been very very good. We are so happy to be with you in one of the most important moments of your lives! And besides, being with you to improve it is the bomb!
Thank you very much to all of you who answered the survey. Thank you very much for your sincerity. Thank you very much for your confidence and thank you very much for your support!
We hope that we can continue walking to your side to make your motherhood and fatherhood an even happier time (if possible).
Here are the results of the survey below: Most of them used the Wawa Band.
These are the ages when they started using it

This is what they needed to treat:

The satisfaction was very high

And they highlight the following qualities:

But what really makes us jump off our seat is the following:

94% of our Wawa Moms and Wawa Dads would recommend our products!
Thank you so so so much! Thanks for trusting us. We couldn't be more blessed.
If you wish to buy our products, visit our website
Wawa band
Pack wawa band y wawa wrap