Satisfaction with Kusi Wawa 2019
Recently, the Kusi Wawa team has conducted a new survey of anonymous satisfaction to our parents.
We are very happy, then, more than 80% of them would recommend our products.

One of the main questions we asked was, what is the most convincing when buying any of our products. And, the results have been wonderful, in the first place, the most important thing is the opinions of the parents. Which you will find in this section.
But secondly, there is the assurance that all our products have been validated scientifically by professionals, whether midwives or pediatric nurses. As you know, the Kusi Wawa Method has been valued by the Pediatric Nursing Association and has obtained wonderful results.

The next aspect we have considered is the relationship between your satisfaction and the products you bought. And we have seen something that demonstrates the value of the complete Kusi Wawa Method: the parents who have bought the Wawa Band and the Wawa Wrap have a 100% satisfaction with the results, compared to those who have only purchased Wawa Band. This is because these parents probably did the whole Kusi Wawa Method, which is what helps calm your baby in full colic.
The parents who have bought only the Wawa Band, are more variable. That is, most are very happy (probably because they needed to treat their child with gas or disquecia) but in the case of colic there is a 20% who are not very satisfied. In all our written material we always mention it, and you will also find mention of this in our tutorials:
It is very important that for colics we apply the two parts of the Kusi Wawa Method, since it is important to treat the physical aspect, but also emotional. Attached link to the video tutorial so you can see it well.
We are very grateful to all the dads who have given us a minute to answer our questions. It makes us extremely happy to count on your support and even more to have been able to help you.
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