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Smoking and baby colic

Smoking and baby colic
Yes ladies and gentlemen, today we will talk about the relationship between smoking and colic of the infant.

In an investigation by Edmond D. Shenassa and Mary-Jean Brown of Brown University and Harvard (USA) in 2004, a direct relationship was found between tobacco use and infant colic. The children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy or during lactation were 40% more likely to suffer from colic. But not only in the case of mothers. If there were parents who smoked around the mother (although she did not smoke) it also affected the same way as if the mother had smoked directly. So, the environment where the baby is is very important.

We all know today that smoking is not good for health, and we must try to avoid exposing babies to tobacco smoke because it probably affects them to a greater extent than we do.

The exact reason why tobacco can affect the baby is not yet known at 100% but it is intuited that it has to do with nicotine. Nicotine increases the levels of a protein called motilin. This protein is involved in the control of intestinal activity. High levels of motilin have been found to result in an increased risk of colic in the infant.

The conclusion of the study, you can imagine: "Recommendation: No smoking. In the long term it improves the quality of life of the adult, and this study is just one more reason to stop doing it. "

We can find the complete study on the Pediatrics page where the original study was published.

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