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Study says: Carrying reduces crying

Study says: Carrying reduces crying
In one of our last speeches, we work on the most emotional aspect of the baby's colic. And one of the studies that attempt to demonstrate this echo focuses on the study of porting and how this can reduce the cry of the newborn.
The study is in 2001 where a group of pediatricians from the American Association of Peidatrics studied the relationship between the increase in hours that the baby burdened and the reduction of crying.
They caught 99 babies with their respective mothers (the study was performed with the mother figure), and separated them into two groups. One, which was considered the control group and the other the study group.

In the first group, parents were asked not to take babies. They put them in chairs and cribs but they did not take them much. It is clear that it is impossible not to take a baby because there are always times when you need it. But the contact was minimized.

The second group was asked to pick up the baby more often. Not only when he was crying but with the maximum hours of the day with the baby in his arms or in a baby carrier.

Both groups had similar symptoms in infants. They cried more or less the same hours and they had the same age range. All of them, babies taken to term. Since they did not want to mix premature babies with term babies why it could affect the result.

The conclusions were clear. The group that had been carrying the maximum number of hours during the day, saw a reduction of crying in 48%

And, Dr. Harvey Karp in his book "The happiest baby in the neighborhood" already tells us. And his explanation is very clear: the door evokes the feeling that the baby felt inside the belly, making it feel more secure and happy. And in this way, by taking, we managed to reproduce all the sensations that made him feel so well when they were within the warm and safe tummy of Mom.

That's why at Kusi Wawa we work with the best brands we know. We know that in the first months, it is crucial to have a good team to carry safely. And this is why we work with skin t-shirts with bare skin and baby baby k carriers so that they allow us to wear as with a breastplate, forgetting the complication of it.

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We work with the best ergonomic baby carriers for newborns, find them here