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The babies that cry most

The babies that cry most
Recently the University of Warwick, Canada, made a study of the cry in babies around the world. The objective was to know if there were areas where babies cried more than others and see if they could have a cultural reason.

The university studied cases of newborns from 0 to 3 months of age, and studied what percentage of these suffered from infant colic. Colic is one of the worst nightmares of new dads and is quite common in the western world. They are babies who are healthy, who gain weight but who cry more than three hours a day, more than three days a week for more than three weeks.

The results of the studies are very curious, since they saw that the babies that suffer most of these are the British, Canadian and Italian babies with almost 40% of them suffering from collisions. On the other hand, which babies cry less? Germans and Danes with only 6% of babies with colic.

The answer may lie in how these countries approach motherhood. The Danes and Germans are countries with a strong tradition of natural breeding. they avoid unnecessary medicines and spend a great deal of time with their babies. It also coincides that they are countries where maternity and paternity leave are much more advanced with more than one year of permits, parents face the new circumstance with a tranquility that others do not have.

If your baby has cramps and you want to know how to help, click here.