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The Emotional Factor of Infant Colic

The Emotional Factor of Infant Colic

The American Academy of Pediatrics has conducted a study to see the importance of the emotional factor in infant colic.

There are two different types of factors to keep in mind:
- The emotional factor of the baby
- The emotional factor of the dads

The study was based on 28 infants who suffered from colic. They saw that many of these babies did not respond to changes in their diet and / or medications, so they focused on the possible cause that small abdominal pain may be caused by an emotional cause in the small.

In all cases, it was evident that the newborn suffered from intestinal pain. What the study was trying to reveal is whether the cause of this pain was emotional rather than physical. That is, the reason why colic was started was not so much an intestinal discomfort due to gas or any other intestinal discomfort, but that the baby's own emotional state caused him to develop physical pain. In the study, they found that infants who suffered from colic were hypersensitive babies. That is, it reacted more intensely to external stimuli, unmet needs or external stimulation.

Seeing this coincidence in all of them, a study was established to see:
1. If when getting the baby's relaxation, colic disappeared
2. Find out if the baby had uncovered physiological or emotional needs that ended up developing colic
3. And to see if in covering these needs the colic disappeared without necessity in changes of feeding, to take in arms, etc.

 In these first months of life, the group of pediatricians in charge of the study valued two effects that objectively relaxed babies:
- The suction, whether of pacifier, a finger or chest
- The white noise, because it reminds them of the noise of the heart and the organs of the mother when they were in the belly.

So the study was based on the principle that a baby, when stimulated or offered any of the above two effects, relaxes automatically. They chose the study group of 28 babies and proposed to see if, in the midst of colic attacks, these babies reacted with these previous stimuli. It should be noted that in the study there was no evidence that the baby was swallowing air at the time of sucking and it was noted that the suction made with the pacifier differed a lot from the type of suction made with the breast or the bottle. The first was merely an instinctive suction without reflex of swallowing, while the second was a feeding reflex where the baby swallowed automatically.

The study found that when all but three babies, when they accepted the pacifier, the symptoms of colic disappeared. To this day, there is a widespread awareness that babies not only have a suction reflex, but also a need for suction. It gives them security, so if they have this need covered they do not usually have problems.

As a conclusion of the study, they also mentioned that it would also be necessary to see the impact of parents / caregivers on their emotions. Since it was verified that if the adult who tried to calm was very nervous it was not able to calm the baby, and when changing this person by someone who was in a more relaxed state they were able to calm him.

In Kusi Wawa we certainly believe that the emotional factor of colic is very strong. Regardless of whether it is the one that causes the physical pain or the physical pain is the one that causes the despair. Our method certainly take into account these small relaxation factors. We recommend that you visit the Kusi Wawa Method section to see the video tutorial where you can see that we start the treatment by relieving physical pain through heat, but then we offer the emotional support so that it calms down.

The doctors in this study have concluded that the pacifier is key to relaxing the baby, and we agree. However, what these doctors do not explain is that in order for the baby to accept this pacifier has to have passed a whole process of relaxation before. This process is achieved through the application of the first S of Dr Harvey Karp's 5S Theory. In addition, all steps of the Kusi Wawa Method have a double effect. Apart from relaxing the little one of the house, they give security and tranquility to the parents. Since they know that if they follow our method, they will be able to return the peace to their home.

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