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The empowerment of motherhood

The empowerment of motherhood

For a long time, motherhood had been drawn as pure tenderness. Due to this, a wrong idea of ​​what it is to be a mother has been created. Yes it is tenderness, but I personally believe that I had never been as strong as now (I am a mom). Today many of us already explain and share these reflections, so I am not the first nor will I be the last. But, yes, it is true that sometimes we arrive at motherhood with the wrong ideas of what will be. With an idealization of it that does not correspond to reality.

And it's not that everything they say is not true, but that it is, but not 100% of the time. That is, motherhood is tenderness. It is pure tenderness! When you see your son for the first time, when you hold him in your arms, when you breastfeed him. There is nothing more tender than this. But obviously it is not all hours of the day. Are moments. Because then, at other times you are very sleepy, or even everything hurts. Or you feel sad why you hormonally live in a merry-go-round. Or the baby cries and you die inside. And the important thing about all this is that we have to be strong, to understand reality as it is, so that the moments so tender, so happy we can enjoy them to the fullest.
When we speak of empowerment, I understand that we are talking about this. We are defining our rules. And all this starts in pregnancy. We are strong, we are intelligent and we can decide. We must access all the information we need to make our best decisions. We must allow ourselves to do things our way, which will make us happy. And, without a doubt, the environment should respect us.
What happens once the baby is born? Without a doubt, you become one more. A little person, who has just been born; with their needs, their fears ... and yes, it's a brutal change. You all have to get used to the new routine. But if I had to give you some advice I would say that you think well how you want this routine to be and think well where you want to have help and where not. Do it your way. You must be the ones that mark the beat ... because only you know what you need and only you will have the instinct. It is clear that mothers who have already had a child before each time we have more clear this and apply it much more. Well, experience is a degree, of course.
Include your partner. Include it a lot. Explain what you need from him or her. Let him know what you really need. But, if he or she can not help something you need, do not assume it. Ask for help. Ask a professional for help. For example, if you have problems with breastfeeding, go to a lactation professional. If the baby cries and you can help relieve it, do it. If you feel bad, go to your GP. In short, such basic things that you develop on a day-to-day basis but when they come within the prism of motherhood; As we move into the background, we do not.
Include your family, but keep in mind that the rules are set by you. Do not let anyone tell you what to do or how to do it. This will only cause fights between the couple (because it is not you) and much internal discomfort. Make clear what you want and how you want to do it. Sometimes, it is one of the most expensive points. But, as with your partner, you must take the reins of how you are going to mother.

Get back to work as best you can. Without charges of conscience. Do the best you can because now your little one needs you. When he is older, he will still need you, but without so much intensity. So take advantage of this moment now. Because apart from needing you, you need it too. Time flies. Really. Although the days seem long and the nights eternal; time flies. And in two days your baby will be an older child. And the school will start. So live it as you want and enjoy it a lot. Because that will be what you will carry in your heart for the rest of your life.
And help yourself Help yourself to be in a situation where you can enjoy everything with all its intensity. Allow yourself to live 100%, without fears. Take photos A lot of pictures! You do not know how many times you will look at them again and you will not believe how small they were (and how young you look!) Hehe). Life is wonderful, and you have to know how to live it. In the same way, plan and live YOUR MOTHERHOOD.
