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The first post partum

The first post partum
Hello, new mom.

I know you're tired. I know that, although they told you what it was like to be a mother, you never got to understand what it really meant. I know that today everything seems so complicated that you just want to lock yourself in a little ball and cry. I also know that when you look at your baby's face, feelings that you had not felt in your life wake up. Is it possible to love someone so much?

During pregnancy we have only heard about childbirth. Of the waves of childbirth and, reality, is that for more impression or "fear" that gives us, is the simplest part of all this. Why the postpartum waves. These are waves that are scary. In these waves we are swallowed by insecurity, responsibility, guilt ... we are swallowed by inexperience and thinking that we do not know how to take care of our little one. We are swallowed by the sudden "expertise" of all the people around you.

In the long pauses we have in the dark of the night while we feed our baby, we remember part of that woman that one day we went. How is it possible to change so much and so fast? There is probably nothing in this life that removes you in such a brutal way.

With each delivery, they say that a new mother is born. But that's not true. The woman is the same as you were. You have changed ... yes. You worry about things you did not even think about before. Maybe you have changed some dreams for others. But that does not make you not YOU. Think, listen, love yourself ... I know it is very easy to say and very difficult to do ... but try it.

Your old me is there. Talking to you Hallucinating with how well you are doing and probably celebrating the most wonderful change you have ever lived in your life. This is why, try to enjoy it. If there is something that is not going well. ASK FOR HELP! Do not stay alone Do not be overwhelmed by what everyone says. Talk to a PROFESSIONAL and let yourself be guided.
Remember that no one is born taught and although they tell you that Mom's instinct will come out ... sometimes there are things that DO NOT. There are things that you DO NOT KNOW AS YOU ARE and it is THE NORMALEST thing in the world! Just relax. Like you, many moms have gone through the same thing. Be smart and do not let it consume you. Simply ask for help.

And first of all. Be happy. Enjoy this moment. Why, even if it seems like you're having a hard time, and as incredible as it seems, one day you'll look back and remember this moment with NOSTALGIA. Never again will you go through such an experience. With the second, or the third ... it is no longer such a brutal change. There are other things but it is not so amazing. Taste every moment, every novelty. There comes a point in life that there are few things that surprise us. This is one of them. Enjoy it.
