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The infant massage

The infant massage

When a baby has colic, the most important thing is to help him cope.

There are a series of recommendations that, as a family, you can follow to try to relieve your baby's colic.

On the one hand, the baby carrier helps to relax your baby during the day. With rocking and contact, it usually falls asleep.

On the other hand, massage is crucial. Infant massage for such small babies is very delicate.

Keep in mind that they may reject you at first. This is why it is so important to do it at times when the baby is most relaxed.
Little by little, it will accept more time and you will be able to incorporate massages to more delicate areas, such as the belly. You should always start with the legs or arms and then move towards the belly.

To perform the massage, the Spanish Association of Infant Massage (with which we collaborate), recommends using only natural sweet almond oils. This is why in Kusi Wawa we have the oils. Packaged in glass to be more Eco-friendly, and to preserve them better.

Create a massage routine where we do a ritual every day. But, never do the massage at the time of crying. At that time, if you touch his gut or remove it, it can hurt a lot. Apart from that he will reject the massage from that moment because it will bring back bad memories.

If you are interested in the subject and want to know more, you will find more information here:





