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The Kusi Wawa Method and carrying the baby to alieviate baby colic

The Kusi Wawa Method and carrying the baby to alieviate baby colic
As we explained before. There are two ways you can try to keep your child from getting colic from the baby.

Preventive methods and active methods. The preventive methods are all those we do to try to prevent crying arriving in the evening / night (if this is the time your baby usually suffers from colic), and in this group we would find massage, osteopathy, porteo, etc. The active methods are those that we develop when the baby is in full crying to reassure him. In this group would be the Kusi Wawa Method.

In today's post we will talk about a preventive method that can help you a lot to make your baby more relaxed and colic episodes are lighter: THE PORTEO. And for this we have collaborated with María Algueró for the elaboration of this post. She is a specialist in Porteo and founder of the "Atención y cuidados del bebé" space. Maria carries out porting and visiting workshops in Madrid, where she lives.

The kangaroo method shows that colic of the infant can be a survival reflex to ensure the continuity of the species. The human newborn is very sensitive and very dependent on his parents, so with this crying ensures that parents keep the baby close and in arms and that cover all their needs. Such instincts are maintained after generations and, therefore, porteo reduces the probability of the onset of crying.

The main benefits of porteo in infants with colic are the following:

• The balance of the constant movement of the mother or the father helps them to eliminate the gases

• The heat in the belly when carrying it helps to relieve the discomfort of gases

• The frog position is very positive for the baby, to prevent reflux as it is incorporated

• Gastrointestinal movements and sounds of the adult help activate the baby's digestive system

• The portage gives babies peace of mind and safety, making them more relaxed and calm.

• Porteo favors the baby's sleep.

• Porteo strengthens the bond between parents and baby

• With the porteo, the contained posture that was held in the uterus

• The baby correctly carried (c-shaped column, knees higher than the cuff, head support, the distance of a kiss facing the adult) receives fewer stimuli throughout the day.

By carrying the baby and being more relaxed because it favors his sleep, reduces the stimuli that he receives and the stress, the carried babies arrive at night with less tension, less nerves and more rested. Thanks to this, the odds that break in a crisis of colic decrease.

However, in case the colics arrived, then we would apply the Kusi Wawa Method. Our method is also based on a kind of natural and respectful parenting. All our stimuli are natural and not intrusive to your baby. We use heat to reduce pain and help to expel gases. And once the heat is applied, we apply Dr Harvey Karp's theory of 5S to give the baby the emotional support he needs to finish relaxing.

get to meet the kusi wawa method







