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The most terrifying night of the year

The most terrifying night of the year

Today is Halloween! And as such, the most terrifying night of the year! Night of witches and vampires. But ... do you want us to talk about terror? There are many things that terrify new parents ... today we have collected the main experiences of the fears that lurk most parents who contact us:

- Do not measure up. The main fear of all and that makes no distinction of whether it is the first, second, third or fourth child. As a novelty that is, we are always afraid of not being up to ...
- This terror was mine and very personal. The terror of not making my daughter happy. Any parent aims to make their children happy. When our little girl suffered so much from colic those first months, what I feared most was that she was never happy because of that.
- To make a mistake. Everything is new. And motherhood is accompanied by thousands of suggestions and advice from around the world. And between so much information and advice, you try to do the best you can ... but there is always that fear. To that we are not doing well.
- The weight of responsibility. When you are a dad or mom, you have a little one who lives and thinks of you as the main attachment. You have a tiny person that depends on you 100% and it scares you to think that you can set a bad example or that you do not do well.
- And the worst of all terrors. When your baby gets sick for the first time. That one is hard to forget, and it seems that the whole world is falling apart.

What we do not know at that moment is that just like the most terrifying night of the year the next day the sun rises. And we see things differently. Because for our little one, the best is us. Let's be as we are and with all our mistakes. Why the love that a father gives his son is irreplaceable. And you have to enjoy it every day.