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The perfect mom

The perfect mom
The perfect mom
Sometimes the world seems to force us to be perfect. But you want to know a secret? No one is. Remember that this reality that we are invited to follow, is completely distorted. It could not be further from reality.
Some social networks like Pinterest or IG help to foster this idea, when you share photos of personalized cupcakes, dumbs to the latest super daily planchaditas and monas, magazine houses. And with all this pressure, we see all moms with the idea that we could do better. That we could decorate the food of our children. Or that they could be better ironed and beaten to school or daycare.
With this post, we give a STOP to this concept. What really makes MOM BE PERFECT? They are not sets. There are decorated foods. It's not the cupcakes or the house. Every mom has her "weakness". One will like the decor and will love having the house to the last. Another will like the kitchen and make super dishes. And as such, it is well to share why it can inspire others. But remember, these are aspects that fascinate these moms and, individually, develop it because they like (but they will not do it all at once).
And, in fact, what makes us perfect is not that.
What makes us perfect (for our children) is to be there for them. What makes us perfect is that when he gets sick, we go to him or her and we are in a hug. What makes us perfect is that we go when you need us. Let us listen to it. Let us worry about them. Why every baby, every child, has its peculiarities. And as mothers, you have to learn how to manage their particularity in the best way to help you surpass your own with as little pain as possible.
What makes you perfect is that your baby suffers from the colic of the infant and look for a solution. That you worry to give him what he needs. That you worry to solve it. Make sure you find ways to stop your baby from crying. Or if they are not colic, they are gases, or disquecia ...
What makes you perfect is when at midnight if your baby needs you, get up just to hug him and melt in an eternal embrace. Until she goes back to sleep.
What makes you perfect is that you worry about your baby when you get back to work. And worry about your well-being, even though you know it will be okay because you've already worried about leaving everything coordinated to make it look great. Or what makes you perfect is that you have given up your work to be with him, to accompany him as he grows up. Or what makes you perfect is that you decide, with your partner that you will not be you but he who stays with the baby and you feel a great weight because you would like to be you, although you know that this is the best decision.
What makes you perfect is your smile when you see that your little girl is having a great time. As you grow up, when you play, when you travel ... And you do not want those great trips to great places because you prefer to go around the corner to see a farm. Or to play in the river. Because you know that this is what really makes you happy.
And now, with Christmas in sight come one of those dates where there is great pressure when it comes to being Perfectas. Decorate tables, prepare gifts. But remember what is really what will make Christmas special. The important thing is the family. The important thing is the joy of the baby being all together around the table.
So this Christmas, be sure to be present. Make sure you enjoy these dates. Make sure you live them to the fullest. Of playing, of laughing, of singing. Because this is what will make you remember them as one of the best.

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