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The Second Maternity

The Second Maternity

As you all know, Kusi Wawa is born out of our personal experience with our first daughter. And today, life has once again given us the joy of expanding our family. We are waiting for our second baby, and we could not be happier.

So today, we are not going to dedicate the post about colics or gases. We are simply going to hope that the second one does not have, and if it does, we are more than prepared for it. 😊 Today we are going to talk about our personal experience and about those small differences between the first pregnancy and the second.

Undoubtedly, the first and most noticeable is time. Or the dedication you can give to this second pregnancy. I still remember my long walks when I was pregnant with the first one, my naps ... This second pregnancy? I also walk, but coming back from school with my daughter. Siestas, if I can, I'll hit them ... I'm already very advanced! But there is not always time. And it's not a matter of not having time, it's a matter of wanting to be present when my little one comes back from school. Because now you no longer only have a tummy for "worry", now you have a little girl who is living this experience by your side. And let me tell you, there is nothing better than seeing her go throw this pregnancy with such curiosity, such love, such tendernes... one of the best things of this second experience!

One of the things that we laugh with the most with my husband are the photos! The number of photos we had with the first. Each week we took a picture of the belly ... all the time we spend immortalizing every second. With the second, poor, are stolen photos. Family photos, with everyone. Beautiful, but nothing to do with the number of photos we took with the first.

In the same way, even if you do not have so much time for this second pregnancy, it is true that you enjoy it in another way. Although each pregnancy is different, you remember those things that you enjoyed the most the first time and you enjoy them much more the second time. You take the pregnancy with a perspective and tranquility that you do not have with the first.

And what about the preparation for childbirth? This second time is taken with another perspective. The first time you do not really know what you need and what you do not ... so usually overloads. The second time, you know what you'll need. So you just prepare what you really need. The process is much calmer and you as a mom feel more secure.

And once it is born? In the same way that the preparation to childbirth you live with greater tranquility, the preparation to puerperium you feel the same. You have very clear how you want to focus. You have recognized the successes and mistakes of the previous experience, and you prepare the way you want to have it. What your environment says (because if one thing defines motherhood, is that everyone thinks) is less important because this time, you know what's coming. Obviously, each case is different and you have to be prepared for surprises. But, in general, you know very well where you want to go and what your environment thinks is much less important. This time, you will do it to Your Way.

We are now in the sweet wait, weeks of knowing our offspring. And we hope to enjoy your arrival as much as you deserve. Why there is nothing more beautiful than receiving a newborn in the family.

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