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Two big allies: Ostheopatia and Kusi Wawa Method

Two big allies: Ostheopatia and Kusi Wawa Method
The infant's colic is characterized by a disconsolate cry (which does not cease with the usual strategies of parents: after a bath, rocking, putting the pacifier or feed him), accompanied by a certain agitation of the baby and flexion of legs about himself. These cries usually last more than three hours a day, at least three days a week and for three weeks. Colic of the infant are part of the maturation process of the newborn, usually appear after the second week of life, although it could be from birth and in principle could disappear as if nothing at the end of 3 or 4 months, this It is not always so since we see babies of 9 and 10 months with real cramps of the infant and with signs of this type of dysfunction so painful.  

Normalizations with OI are not mathematical nor can we create any kind of exact protocol with times and changes of maneuvers for absolutely all colic. Moreover, we will have to change the maneuver and change in intensity, rhythm and duration depending on each case.  

During these last months, I have combined manual treatment with the kusiwawa method. The expectations were great, but the results have surpassed us. The response of babies to manual treatment, followed at home by the kusiwawa method has been immediate.

The protocol was simple. Manual therapy with infantile osteopathy maneuvers because it is a mechanical dysfunction that accompanies the maturation process, the type of treatment that is performed with Visceral and Cranial Osteopathy (OI) is based on the normalization of peristalsis, motility and tensions Internal structures that we can find at the level of the temporo-occipital framework affecting the pneumogastric nerve and frenulum, as well as the different tensions found in the abdominal space, fruit of the pains generated by the pricks of gases and inability to be able to expel them.  

And later application of the wawa wrap and wawa band at home to treat the physical factors of pain that produces colic (heat to achieve a pedantic effects, activate the circulation and therefore normal digestive functioning) and emotional factors to simulate the maximum Feeling of well-being in the baby, making him remember his passage through the mother's womb, according to Dr. Karp's theories.  

There are a number of basic points to keep in mind to help not worsen colic and alleviate it:

  • The comfort of the baby is inversely proportional to ours (parents or physiotherapist). When your baby is in the middle of the colic crisis or just being nervous, put him face down in your arms. Stand up, wipe it: with one hand hold the pacifier (to stimulate suction) and put the other on your stomach, previously wrapped in wawa band, to give warmth and protection.
  • Remind her of her step in the womb. It gives them security. Your baby has spent nine months comfortable and protected inside the belly, make him believe that he is there again. How? Wrap the baby in the wawa wrap with flexing of your legs and give it heat. Also called white noises that you can download on your mobile device. Another option is to run the dryer, the dryer or the kitchen extractor near your baby. All of these techniques can help comfort your baby, but pay attention because some babies calm the darkness, stillness and silence.  

  • Identify your way to feed yourself to find ways to reduce your gas. A newborn does not have in the digestive system enzymes necessary for the digestion of certain foods such as lactose (cow's milk, dairy desserts, potatoes, sausage ...). When ingested by the mother, it goes directly to the milk that the baby sucks. Do not be fooled by the lactose-free milk, they affect them equally. In any case, consult your pediatrician about hydrolyzed milk. And watch the way you feed yourself. Babies go through some lactation crises where they suddenly demand more milk than your body can produce and you just have to give them time.   

  • Never lose your temper. Patience. Babies are 'multiconnected' sponges to which any emotional problem affects them and can be expressed in the form of colic. Do not go from arm to arm. Avoid the famous: "mother-father-grandmother-mother" because it will only increase the situation of tension in him.

  • Go to the specialized Physiotherapist. Infant Osteopathy, from the first week of the baby's life, solves the colic of the infant by activating the slow peristalsis of most of these babies and by relieving internal tensions and compressions derived from the physiological maturation process. Infant Osteopathy is a safe, painless and without side effects method, in which you will see results from the first session.  
Remember that your child is growing and that is also part of living

Written by

Juan López López
Fisioterapeuta & Osteópata Infantil

