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Kusi Wawa's cusion

Kusi Wawa's cusion
Today we will talk about the base where we base our entire methodology to relieve colic of the infant: the thermal cushion.


As you know, the Kusi Wawa method to relieve our children is based on two basic concepts:


We started the methodology with the physical relief of abdominal pain through thermotherapy. Our Wawa Band is specifically designed so that you can keep the warm seed cushion above the gut without having to be holding it with your hand to keep it on. Also, we are the only ones that have an ANTI BURN SECURITY DEVICE. With what is the simplest, fastest and safest way to apply heat on your baby's tummy.
We offer the emotional support that the baby needs to finish relaxing. At this point, we apply the 5S Theory of Dr Harvey Karp (you will find a link at the end of the article if you are interested in learning more about it). But to summarize, said doctor defines five actions to do with the baby that give him security and reassure him, since they emulate the sensations that they felt in the maternal womb. It is for this reason that we need the Wawa Wrap lullaby to lull you well.

Today we will focus on the thermal cushion. How to keep it and our most important recommendations when using it.

The cushion is composed of a mixture of seeds and natural aromatic herbs. We have taken into account a series of parameters when choosing the content of this one:


We have chosen a small seed, for two reasons:
To get the right weight for a newborn, since a small seed has less weight
To favor the rapid and safe heating process. The small bodies of the seeds allow us to require less time when heating the cushion. At the same time, the heating process is much safer because being a small body heats more homogeneously and with fewer heat peaks.
The aromatic mixture is very soft and favors the relaxation of the newborn.

 The seeds should be kept in a cool and dry place, to avoid humidity.

It is important not to wet the cushion for several reasons:

The seed mixture is natural, so if it gets wet it can spoil the contents. Remember that it comes inside a 100% cotton cover with what, the water goes through.
Once the mixture is wet, apart from spoiling the content, the seeds naturally tend to stick. As a result, they distort the entire heating process and can increase the risk of burns.

The safety device is a patent that we recently obtained to protect our children from any risk of burning. We are the only ones who present this novelty and we believe that it is basic when it comes to using it to protect them, due to the limitations we have in verbal communication with a baby.


The device consists of a sphere that changes color when it is too hot.


The cushion should be heated in the microwave for about 15 seconds. When it comes out, the device should turn red, since it is measuring the ambient temperature of the microwave. To control the temperature of the seeds, we must do the following:


Press the device down with your thumb to make contact with the seeds.
Count to three
Lift your finger
If the device is black when you lift your finger, it is at the correct temperature and you can use it. If the device is red, it is too hot and you have to let it cool down.
A good maintenance of the cushion is essential when using the Wawa Band, since its correct use will depend on the operation of both the cushion and the safety device. We should recommend a lot of caution with borrowed or pierced cushions, due to ignorance of the use that has been given to it. In the case of loans, remember that you can find spare cushions on the web so that at least you can make sure you use the product safely.


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