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  • Beatriz
    Mateo had been almost 3 weeks after each shot was writhing and had pains, so we deduce that they could be colic.
    We tried massaging the belly in the clockwise direction, holding its little legs and stretching and shrinking. But I kept crying. So we tried the Wawa Band by Kusi Wawa. It has been great for us, why was it put on and it calmed down? We highly recommend it.


  • Elin's mom
    Elin is going be a month now, the third week of life  he stopped sleeping and crying a lot. He was not doing well on the belly.  I deduced they were gases because he was in so much pain.  when i was pregnant pregnant I saw the kusi wawa method on instagram and when I saw that the crying didn't stop, I did not hesitate to order it. I received it yesterday and we have already seen the differenc. He finally slept without crying, we are very happy with kusi wawa!

    Elin's mom

  • Anonim
    You are a discovery! My baby had a really bad time with colic, it was difficult for her to expel gases  and she was restless and annoyed. Since we applied the wawa band with the massage with your almond oil, she has not suffered anymore.

    It is a joy to see her sleeping! Many thanks!!


  • Alexandra Anguera
    We massage the little one every morning with the wawa oil massage oil and he loves it. It stays super relaxed. It is our special moment of the day.

    Alexandra Anguera


  • Yaiza
    When Noa was 15 days old, she started crying inconsolably. I could'nt believe it. Could they be colic? with how badly we had it with Angel.

    I tried everything, but nothing calmed her down so I decided to try the Wawa Band. Without much hope because I thought it would not work.

    What was my surprise when putting it on began to expel gas and was super quiet. It has worked very well for us. and the only thing I regret is not having used it before!



  • Paloma
    My little one started very soon with gas, after the third week of life. At first I managed it with massages in her little girl and with her legs. But there came a moment that did not work so we went to remedies advised by the pediatrician: first probiotics, with medicines for gases, etc. Nothing worked for us

    Everything we gave him, in addition, was mixed with reflux and the rejection of milk due to immaturity of the stomach ... so desperate to see the days go by without solution and seeing my chubby as a lab rat I decided to go to a pediatrician Digestive specialist who told me that everything was related. She had an immature stomach and artificial milk can sit more or less well depending on how strong it is. So he recommended a partially hydrolyzed milk (less milk protein that is what usually causes rejection) and probiotics to facilitate digestion.

    He stressed that colics are a catch-all for many things and that you have to pass them, some babies last three months and others until they eat solid. His last recommendation was a visit to a physio / osteopath specialist.

    So I went there to be seen and it was a resounding failure because in the area where we live there are no specialized physios in newborns and the truth that did not work.

    And here came my friend Wawa Band. I had already seen other moms and I liked the subject that was natural and on the other hand I did not need to ingest but it was all about the skin. I bought it and started to try after each bibi. At first I thought: it does not work. She was still nervous. But as the days passed, I noticed that once the 15 minutes had passed, she fell into a quiet sleep that did not desperate until the next bottle. In case I had any doubt, my husband who always goes very fast, put it whole in the microwave (they already warn that there is no need to do it) and put it in a lot more time than he should (he warmed up with only 15 seconds and he put it in more than 1 minute!) and of course, we had to buy another one. The waiting days that the second one arrived were horrible. The girl cried again and again and there was no way to calm her down. Now we have it and I reaffirm, which is undoubtedly what worked best for us.


  • Mariví Ordóñez
    They gave me your page and I decided to buy it. Because every day he had colics and gave him a few drops but they never served at all. Then I tried it and, it was great! Even now, since she no longer has cramps, there are days like these days when she finds it difficult to sleep, I also wear it because she notices the heat and I fall asleep. And there are also days that I usually put it on my feet because it gets cold and then I put the bag and it stays super relaxed

    Mariví Ordóñez

    Roquetes del Garraf

  • Olivia's mom
    I am delighted with kusi wawa, the truth is that my daughter Olivia writhed a lot with colic and we could not calm her down, we discovered the wawa band and we are in love with her, since we used it Olivia is much calmer and relaxes so much that it stays fried . I recommend it 100%.

    Olivia's mom

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