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  • Sandra Silva
    When Emma turned 2 weeks, she started having colic at night. So I bought the Wawa Band and decided to try it. 
    I was very happy because we recieved the product really fast. As soon as we did, we tried it and we were astonished. The baby relaxed instantly. 
    We now have a very nice routine before going to bed. We take a bath, have a little massage and when she is ready to go to bed we put the Wawa Band. She gets really relaxed thanks to the heat and the smell. one of the best purchases we've made!

    Sandra Silva


  • Inma
    Valentina was born with 37weeks and 5 days. For an unknown reason, at 32 she stopped growing in the womb so she was born with 2.740gr. 
    Since the day she was born we had to supplement her and she was having a hard time with gas and baby colic. Today we received the Wawa Band and it was automatic: we placed the band on top of her belly and she stopped crying. She fell asleep and wouldn't even wake up for her feeding! We really recommend the Kusi Wawa Method and specially the Wawa Band. We love it!



  • Laura de Lucas
    I have three sons and all of them had baby colic. With the last one, though, we knew about the Kusi Wawa Method and it helped us a lot. We applied it, adapting its movements to our son's preferences. Thanks to this he doesn't have colic anymore.

    It took us a week more or less to get used to the method and to find our son's preferences. however, as soon we got everything straight it worked marvelously.

    Here is a video we recorded of us applying the method:

    Laura de Lucas


  • Inma

    Daniela was a preterm baby. She was born with 31 weeks. When we arrived home we had to start with the Pouder milk and the colic started. She also had a horrible time doing poop. Now she is 3 months and since we changed the milk she defecates a little better. But she still cried a lot. Her aunt gave her a Wawa Band as a present. I had heard about it, but I have been pleasantly surprised because it works really well. Since I started using it she doesn’t have any more colic . We recommend it 100%



  • Núria Bassas
    My baby girl is lactose intolerant. This makes her very suscebtible at tummy aches and other intestinal problems.

    we started trying the Wawa Band to see if it could work and we were pleasantly surprised! It works really well. She stops crying every thim we use it and sometime she even falls asleep.

    We really recomend it.

    Núria Bassas


  • Cynthia Rubio
    Our daughter didn't suffer from baby colic, but we used the Wawa Band when our daughter started getting a little fussy. We are very happy with the results.

    Cynthia Rubio


  • Yrene Martinez
    Yesterday Oliver was a little fussy so I tried putting the Wawa Band. He relaxed instantly so I was really happy. and after a while I saw he actually did some potty (wich he has diffictulty doing). We are very happy with the Wawa Band and its effects.

    Yrene Martinez

    Cartagena - Murcia

  • Aitana Silvestre
    I am a mom of twins. They were born prematurely, so they were having their premature special milk . when  we switched to regular formula they started having tummy issues. specially the girl. That's when I decided to try the Wawa Band. I am really happy because it relaxes her and it helps her pass away the gases. 

    Aitana Silvestre


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