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  • Patricia Barrera
    You need to know about the Kusi Wawa Method. This is a method that treats baby colic with no need of using any medicine. I use the Wawa Band when my baby starts getting fussy at night (usually around 23:00) and it really soothes him. The Wawa band has a pouch with a cushion in it. This cushion is made out of seeds and aromatherapeutic herbs. You need to warm the cushion in the microwave for 20 seconds. Then you apply on baby's belly. The heat really helps him and thanks to the beautiful aroma my baby relaxes really fast. Also, Meritxell is a wonderful person. Whe is  really sweet and I totally recomend you contact her because she will help you with anything you need.

    Patricia Barrera

    Madrid - Sevilla

  • Anna Escaler

    Our daughter Olivia cried nonstop every night. We read so many articles about baby crying in every single website we found; all very interesting, but not many offered real solutions to stop the cry. As new parents, we felt lost, helpless... and we were really tired due to our constant baby cry that lasted for hours.
    One day, a friend told us about the Kusi Wawa method... and when we learned about it we really thought that it was very easy and pretty obvious; even though, as obvious as it can be... we had to think about it!
    Today Olivia is doing a lot better and we are a couple of swinging professionals! It has been a blessing to discover about this method. So now, we recommend it to all our friends who are about to have a baby for them to be ready before the baby colic arrives!
    Olivia avait des pleurs sans cesse chaque soir... on a beau lire des articles sur les pleurs du nourrisson dans tous les sites internet, tous intéressants mais donnant pas la solution aux pleurs. En tant que parents primipares on se sent perdus, impuissants... et épuisés face à un petit qui pleure pendant des heures.
    Une ami m’a parlé de la méthode Kusi Wawa... en soit ça avait l’air assez évident et facile comme méthode mais il fallait y penser!!!
    Aujourd’hui Olivia va beaucoup mieux et nous sommes des pros du bercement! Un vrai bonheur... Je recommande Kusi Wawa à tous mes amis avec des nouveaux nés même avant que les coliques arrivent!!!

    Anna Escaler

    París, France

  • Ester Masgrau
    My name is Ester and I have two daughters. Arlet is three years and a half and Mireia is two months and a half. When Arlet was born we didn’t have any problems with colic, but when Mireia was born, OMG! She cried more and more every day, up to a point where she screamed so much that we rushed into Sant Joan de Déu hospital because we thought she might have something serious. She would cry from 2pm to 2am every day, and we were convinced this couldn’t be colic any more. But the doctor said it was. They explained to us that baby colic has different intensities in different moments throughout the day, and this is why she would scream more in one moment than another. They told us we could change the milk she was having, but that this wasn’t really the problem, but instead her digestive System was immature and that this could take from 3 months to 9 months to be totally solved. It actually depended on each baby. We cried so much when we heard this. From that moment we bought everything we heard was good for the baby colic: the special bath tup, Reuteri, Blevit digest, coliking (homeopathy)... nothing really worked until we stumbled upon the Kusi Wawa method. Knowing that was not medication was really good news because we didn’t want to give her medicine again. With the Wawa band combined with osteopathy we finally saw the light. We are so happy and thankful for Meritxell’s help at all times. For us this was our salvation.
    Nowadays, Mireia doesn’t have baby colic anymore but we still use the Wawa Band to calm her when she gets a little fussy. She already recognizes de smell and when we put the Wawa band over her belly she looks really thankful. Both my Husband and I agree that when we use the Wawa Band, the three of us are more relaxed. Good luck to all parents that are going through their baby colic. There are highly critical moments. We invite all families to try the Kusi Wawa method and we hope it helps as much as it did for us.

    Ester Masgrau


  • Ana Tuñón
    Since we got back home from the hospital with Candela, the nights were not too good; until we discovered Kusi Wawa.

    The combo combines a pajama, a band and a swaddle blanket. What I like the most about this combo is that all materials are 100% organic and made of hight quality fabrics. I also love their modern design.

    The first day I implemented the method with my daughter, she calmed down inmediately and she fell asleep in less than a minute. I put her on my arms and I say"Shuuuush it will be over soon honey". The heat relaxes her and helps her expel gases until she falls asleep. The Kusi Wawa method has really helped us!!!

    Ana Tuñón


  • Vanessa Leache

     Kusi Wawa has been a great discovery! They have created a combo, that incudes a Swaddle blanket, a pajama and a belly belt that help calm the baby when suffering from baby colic. My son Gael does not suffer from colic, but he has difficulty expeling gases. The other day he was clearly uncomfortable so I decided to try the combo and it was magical! He was calmed instantly. I held him on his belly with the Wawa Band and he fell sleep immediately. I think it is one of the greatest inventions , and, as a plus, it has been invented by a spanish women so I totally recocmmend it!

    Vanessa Leache


  • Clara Abad

    Bringing a child into this world is something magical, but you are not aware of how hard the first weeks are going to be. In our case, it was the first 2-3 months.

    My daughter wouldn’t latch on well and we had to supplement with formula from the beginning. We tried a brand from the pharmacy but after two weeks she started crying non-stop every night (from 6pm to 1am). We tried changing the formula brand, but she stayed the same.

    The pediatrician gave us some drops for the colic and drops for the intestinal flora, but the colic started to happen after every feeding; up to the point she was even refusing to eat. The doctors were even thinking that she might have been allergic to cow protein.

    One day talking to a good friend about it, she told me that she had heard about a new product that was being introduced in the Spanish market that worked really well to relieve the baby colic. We were so desperate that we barely had faith in any new remedy. However, we thought that we couldn’t lose anything to try it.

    This was how we were in contact with Meritxell. She sent us a Wawa Band with its instructions and a tutorial on how to swaddle the baby with the Wawa Wrap. The first night that we tried it we thought it happened by chance, but we started to be pleasantly surprised when we realized that, since that day, our nights went from crying 7-8hours nonstop to only 20-30 minutes.

    It was really gratifying as we started to rest and we relieved all the stress that I and my partner had been holding. 

    Today, the baby colic has disappeared, but at night when it’s time to go to bed she still gets quite fussy. We keep using the Wawa Band to help her fall asleep, because we have seen that the warmth and its pleasant smell help her relax. Sometimes she even falls asleep on her own.

    Clara Abad


  • Judith Fernandez

    My experience with the Wawa Band has been really good. In the beginning, I have to recognize that I was a little sceptic, but when I tried it everything changed.

    My daughter was one month old and she was restless. I tried massaging; laying her on her belly, sideways… nothing calmed her. So I finally decided to try the Wawa Band and, as soon as I placed it on her belly she stopped crying. Even her face changed, she looked much more relaxed. The heat is very pleasant and both my daughter and I love the smell.

    Since that day, when I see her getting fussy (especially at nights) I place the Wawa Band on her and she hasn’t suffered any other episode like that.

    I am really happy with the Wawa Band and I would really recommend it to all parents. It will really change your lives.

    Judith Fernandez


  • Roser Escarpanter

    We are very happy with our Wawa Band! Pau, our son, hasn’t had baby colic but he really had a lot of difficulty when trying to defecate.

    We basically used it when we saw he was crying while pushing. We would place the Wawa Band around its body and it worked like magic. We are very happy as the Wawa Band has helped him regulate the intestinal system. It is very easy to put, and its elasticity allows it to adapt to any baby’s belly size. He really loves the smell and you can see it relaxes him. He also plays a lot with its texture. We think that, without a doubt, it has helped him reduce the typical baby discomforts.

    Roser Escarpanter


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