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  • Noemí
    When we received the Wawa Band and the Wawa Wrap, we were going through troubeling nights. Specially the two nights before we received them, where we wouldn't sleep at all because she would cry all night. The night we received the Kusi Wawa products started like the two previous ones, however, as soon as I used the Wawa Band on her she stopped crying immediately and went straigh to sleep. I was so impressed on how good the product worked. Now its one of our must haves in our night routines



  • Eva Blanco

    India has several problems; Reflux, possible intolerance, immaturity ... This product does not fix it but it is helping us very much. We've been applying it for a couple of weeks. After the feeding, when she gets nervous about the vomiting, I put the Wawa Band on her and she relaxes a lot.  We heat it 20 seconds in the microwave and the seeds that it carries with natural smell do the rest. I put it a 10 and if you read about it is even more advisable if your babies suffer from baby colic. Thanks a lot Kusi Wawa

    Eva Blanco


  • Diana M.
    Daniela couldn't breasfeed so, with the formula feeding, she instantly got baby colic and was very irregular. We tried with massages, puting her on her belly, we tried all the "miracle" medicines that didn't work at all, we had anti colic feeding bottles... we were desperate because nothing seemed to work. 
    So looking online I finally found the Kusi Wawa Method and I tried it. How bad would it be if it didn't work? It was all natural and couldn't hurt my baby.
    And it WORKED! I use the Wawa Band right after her relaxing bath at night and after doing a short belly massage. after that, she just falls asleep immediately.

    Thank you so much Kusi Wawa and Meritxell for being so attentive and for helping so many mommy's and daddy's. Without a doubt I will recommend it to everyone.

    Diana M.


  • Anna Lara
    My baby has 3 months and a half and we have already gone through baby colic. I wish we would have met you earlier. Today, our main problem is that the baby has a hard time pooping and this makes him very nervous (he is a nervous baby already).
    Every morning between 5 and 8 he would start crying and wouldn't stop moving until i grabbed him and sat him on my legs to help him poop.
    When the Wawa Band came home, I tried to put the band right after the first feeding and the baby pooped immediately! Before going to bed I did the same thing, and he pooped too. Now it has become a ritual.
    Since we started using the Wawa Band our baby boy is sleeping a lot better, and around 8am when I see he's starting to get fussy I put the band around the body and he falls asleep right after

    Anna Lara


  • Montse Otalora
    The first days that Julen had colic it was a nightmare. He wouldn’t stop crying. Instead of crying they were more like screams. It was impossible to make him stop. I was exhausted and felt so helpless I didn’t know what else to do.
    Searching online I came across the Kusi Wawa method. It was a natural, non invasive method, instead of a “miracle pill” that we had been trying until now.
    I contacted Meritxell (Meri) to learn more about the products and the method. She was so nice. She was extremely helpful and you could see she really cared to help. She explained everything to me really well.
    In our experience, the combination of Wawa Band and Wawa Wrap did miracles. The heat applied on top of the belly, the aromatherapy, the swaddling… it all really works. Once I apply the method Julen relaxes so much that he falls asleep profoundly. I am so happy to see him rest like that and to be able to help.
    I really encourage all parents to try the Kusi Wawa Method, because it really works!

    Montse Otalora


  • Mariona Monraba
    The first colic symptoms my baby had, had me really worried. Not only I couldn’t calm his belly ache but I kept losing sleep time. Kusi Wawa was a gift given at the right time. Right when my baby boy started having his colic attacks. Right after he ate I would surround his body with the Wawa Band and the heat on the belly and the great smell would really help him relax. You would see his little legs and arms relax until he just fell asleep. Without a doubt, Kusi Wawa has been one of the best gifts we’ve got. I really recommend it not only for the babies’ well-being, but for the parents too.

    Mariona Monraba


  • Nerea Moreno Alarcón
    Even though the twins don't really have colic, we did notice a change when they switched from the premie formula to formula number1. They were a little fussier at nights and looked uncomfortable (specially Noa). Since then, after they eat at night I do a little belly massage and I apply the Wawa Band. The heat relaxes them a lot.
    Kusi Wawa has been a great finding and is one of the best allies for our bed routines.

    Nerea Moreno Alarcón


  • Angela Calero
    Our twins had a lot of colic.
    We fed them with anticolic bottles but they still were very fussy (and you could feel the gases on their bellies). When we first tried the Kusi Wawa method we were really impressed. It clearly is a natrual relaxation system.
    They have a very easy tutorial on youtube describing all the steps to apply the Kusi Wawa methods.
    The Wawa Band is as easy as heating it for 20 seconds in the microwave.
    The Swaddle is perfect for finally relaxing the baby. 
    I honestly think this is the best gift anyone can give to a baby and new parents.

    Angela Calero


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