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  • Laura
    Eyra has a couple of days with many tears at all hours, especially after each shot. We thought that they could be colic. so we have released the Wawa Band by Kusi Wawa and it seems that it relaxes her. After all the morning complaining she has calmed down and is now asleep on daddy's arms.


  • Pili Méndez
    Thank you very much for the Wawa Band! It's amazing to see how my baby relaxed completely from the first moment you put it on. I could not believe it. he had just spent 15 days admitted due to milk allergy and had damaged the digestive system, which was annoying 24 hours a day. In addition, colics joined him and we spent a few horrible days. It was a non-stop crying and cramping ... Today, the Wawa Band is the only thing that has taken effect. For us, a true miracle!

    Pili Méndez

  • Mamá de Manuela y Gabriela
    Manuela, the older sister, does not want to go to sleep until we all fall asleep. To Gabriela the colic comes to her late at night. We bought the Wawa Band and it relieves her a lot. When Gabriela starts crying, Manuela runs to the kitchen screaming: El Kusi Wawa! The Kusi Wawa! He is happy to be able to help his little sister to calm down. And we are very happy because Gabriela feels better, and Manuela feels part of our daily routine

    Mamá de Manuela y Gabriela

  • Sabrina
    I have it and it really helps. I am sitll using it because I am terrified to back to how it was before. My baby has gas.


  • Lara Larousse
    I recommend it 100%. My baby has helped a lot with colic. Simply put it on and most times it calms down on its own. Some people  laughed at me when I told him that I had bought this, telling me that there was nothing for colic besides a few drops my doctor prescribed (nothing cheap and also, did not help at all). I'm super happy with the purchase.

    Lara Larousse


  • Sara Benitz
    He is a month and a half old and he just recently started having gases. We are using the Wawa Band to relieve him. Many parents recommended it to me, so  we decided to buy it. When we put it on, it relaxes him a lot. Let's see if we can improve the nights now that we have the Wawa Band.

    Sara Benitz

  • Cris D. García
    Last week we got the Wawa Band and we couldn't be happier. We are done with crying at night.

    Cris D. García

  • Montse
    The Wawa Band is really helpful. When we put it on his belly, it really calms him. It helps us all rest.


Displaying 81 to 88 (from 166 testimonials)
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