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  • Melisa Linsata
    Goodbye baby colic. With the Wawa Band, I put it on and the baby automatically relaxes until he falls asleep

    Melisa Linsata


  • Alba
    When Marco is uneasy, he does not stop protesting because his belly hurts and he can not get to sleep, we put him in the Wawa band and that's the result


  • Anita Fs
    Our daughter from the second week of life had many gas and cramps, we tried EVERYTHING, but for me, the solution was the anticolic band kusi wawa, since we got home was instantaneous, I put it to my daughter  and she then slept for 4 hours straight , super relaxed. From there, every night we do the same. It's MÁGICA. We're happy

    Anita Fs

  • Carmen Loscos
    Look how calm she is after using the Wawa Band. We are very happy with the purchase

    Carmen Loscos

  • Carmen
    A few weeks ago we used the wawaband, and we are very happy with the results. When my baby is restless and upset by the gases, we put the wawaband and swaddle him.  He calms down immediately. It certainly helps him relax and calm his discomfort.


  • Carolina Pascual
    Several weeks ago Enzo was very irritable, specially in the afternoons. He would start crying  inconsolably and nothing would calm him down. 

    So, when mentioning it to other moms, many recommended the Kusi Wawa Method to treat thebaby colic, and I promise it works!
    After the bath,  I put the warm Wawa band on the little one and together with the swaddles, he relaxes so much!

    The good thing about this band is that it heats easily in the microwave in 15 seconds and has a very pleasant smell...
    It reminds me a lot of my childhood when my belly hurt and my mother would immediately put the electric blanket on me to relieve the pain.
    In this case, when dealing with a baby, the seed band is much safer and adapts perfectly to his body, while relieving the gases.
    The truth is that we noticed our baby much calmer and when we went to the osteopath he told us that our baby had practically no tension in the tummy. So I think we have managed to overcome the trance of the gases!

    Carolina Pascual


  • Sara Robles
    Martina with two months began to have many gas, to be irritable and very uncomfortable. With the days it was only going to get worse. Then we met Kusi Wawa and everything changed. Thanks to the Wawa Band, Martina has not had any more gas. When I notice that she is uncomfortable I put it on a little bit, she stays very relaxed. It is super easy to use and this large size lasts until nine months. I recommend it to everyone

    Sara Robles


  • Leticia Galofré
    My son Nico has three essentials at bedtime.

    1. The nest bed
    2. the Wawa Band
    3. A little sheep that makes white noise.

    The Wawa Band is wonderful. when I see that Nico gets nervous I put the hot band and it's automatic. It relaxes instantly. I also use it to heat the nest, since Nico does not like to find the cold bed!

    Leticia Galofré


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