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  • María Mateos
    I have the Wawa Band... and it works! when my baby is crying inconsolably i put it on and she stops crying instantly. I am very happy!

    María Mateos

  • Noelia Lozano
    The Wawa Band is perfect for those belly aches that make our little Hugo suffer from time to time. He relaxes so much that he even falls asleep. and that smell, ummm!

    Noelia Lozano


  • Vero

    We began to test the Kusi Wawa method because my niece had baby colic. At first, we used a stuffed animal that contained a seed cushion. He was doing well, but it was short on heat. We bought the Wawa Band and the truth that much better in keeping the heat and smell. When we were going to shower, he started to cry a lot, and we put the Wawa Band on him, and with a swaddle we applied his method of vide. It has calmed down, it is wonderful!!!!!! We are recommending it to the group of mothers where we go, the nursing group and all our friends. Thank you very much.



  • Joana Vicens

    Good night!

    My name is JOANA and last Sunday I was talking with Meritxell at the Bebes y mamas fair.


     I approached to tell you that we were trying to implement the methodwith my daughter who is now 3 months, and suffering from colic from the 3rd week, and that it didn’t work. So you explained to me the correct way to do it and if I had any questions. You also offered me to contact you if I had any further questions.


    Well ... today I am writing just to tell you that we’ve been implementing it the correct way since Monday and it works !!!!!!! Tears of joy almost fell when I saw that every time we do it, she just stops crying and sleeps !!!


    Today we are accustomed to find blame to others when things do not go well, and I think in this case I really need to congratulate you for creating this method. You have saved our lifes and we couldn’t thank you enough.


     I send you a hug and a huge THANK YOU !!!


    Joana Vicens


  • Fabiola Sanchez

    My child within a few weeks of being born began to be annoyed and did not know why, when I took him to the pediatrician he told me that what the Child had was colic and sent me a syrup by all known. I started it and I did not see many results. I started to research the internet and saw the kusi_wawa girdle and asked how it was and the experience of some mothers. They all talked to me about it. Well through the web inform me where I could buy it since I am from Gran Canaria and I was answered in PARAFARMACIA of Centro Comercial el Tablero and there I went. I started using it and from the first day I saw improvement in my child. So desperate mothers because they no longer know what to do to relieve their children, I recommend them to use it.

    Fabiola Sanchez

    Gran Canaria

  • Lorena
    I discovered the Kusi Wawa method when I was pregnant and I decided to buy the Wawa Band before my baby was born. I knew that at some point it sour. I was right! My son suffers from gas and the first weeks, the warmth of Wawa Band is the only thing that calms his stomach pain. To the point he would even fall asleep. It been our salvation during difficult times!
    I definitely recommend Kusi wawa method; it is completely natural and it works. We are really happy, especially my baby!



  • Africa
    I heard about Kusi Wawa on a radio interview. My first kid (who is now 3 years old) had a lot of colic so I was very interested.
    I recently just had a second kid and right after we got home from the hospital the colic started again. I quickly bought the Wawa Band. Initially it didn't work too well so I contacted Meritxell. She was extremely kind and she explained to me that we needed to apply the full Kusi Wawa method. So we started doing it and good enough, we finally got to relax our baby. She also put us in contact with other moms that had the same situation as me. My baby went from crying 6 hours every day to not crying any more. Nowadays, when he starts getting fussy we just use the Wawa Band and he doesn't need the second part of the method anymore. I recommend it 100%



  • Pastora Dolarea
    We started using the Wawa Band right after we came back from the Hospital. Whenever we used it, the baby would be asleep 10 minuts later. Now he is 2 months and a half and has no colic left, thanks to that and the Dr Brown's feeding bottle. 
    Now, if we still see that he has trouble sleeping we still use the Wawa Band. He asociates it to well being and falls asleep instantly.

    Pastora Dolarea


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