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What have I learned (for now) from confinement

What have I learned (for now) from confinement

After these long days of confinement, as you know, I have been thinking about many very vital things. Confinement (or home retreat) as you like. It has removed me from within. It has forced me to stop and think about many things.

What have I learned so far?
1. To be more present.
That many times we force ourselves to reach everything. That we want to do everything. But that most of these times it is best to stop. It is to slow down. It is focusing all your attention on that thing you are doing. To do it good. To enjoy it. And if everything you wanted to do is not done ... it doesn't matter. You will find another time to do it. Life is so.

2. What is really important.
Being locked up at home has made me realize that I didn't need anything else. Ironic right? Of course I have missed my parents, cousins, friends ... I'm not going to say no. But the deepest truth? That being with my children and my husband, there was enough. We were together. We were safe. We were fine.

3. Health
We often do not attach importance to health and the Covid 19 has made us see that health is the most important thing. Following the previous point. We were fine being just us because I knew that all our loved ones were fine and healthy. I have to admit that we have been lucky, because there are many families who have had to deal with the sadness of seeing a loved one leave without being by their side. I am sure it is such a great shame ... that it weighs your heart for a long time. I'm so sorry if it's your case. I'm sorry. I can not say anything more.

4. The most crucial professions.
I believe that with this crisis we have all realized those professions that are really important. Doctors, nurses ... all those personnel related to health. Taking care of it is basic. And it is essential to ensure that we continue to have a healthy health system. Our health professionals have shown what it is to have a VOCATION. Still having it ALL AGAINST IT. Without resources, without enough hours of breaks. They have remained at the foot of the canyon. Let's reflect why there are few professions in which this happens. How many of us would go to the office to work if he knows that he will probably return home infected, and putting his entire family at risk. They are true heroes.

But also the invisible heroes. Those that we have NEVER seen and the coronavirus has made us see. Supermarket cashiers, carriers, gas stations…. Without them there is NO FOOD. And without food, there is no life. Thanks also for being there. For opening every day. For making sure that we all have everything. Also at the risk of infecting you and infecting your families. Thank you very much.

Another profession that will now have a chance to be a hero will be teachers. When our children return to school, after this very special situation. The teacher's sensitivity can make the situation change a lot. How is the subject raised? I very much hope that the teachers take the time to heal wounds. To be present. To raise the children. The "lost agenda" is lost. We will get to it. Now, for our little ones to grow and be happy and balanced staff, we will need a lot of help from our teachers. Without a doubt, we do the main work at home, but I hope that when we go back to school we will not focus on recovering material but on recovering hearts.

5. Professionals who have known how to stop.
I also want to mention all these freelancers, that their financial stability depends on working, that they have decided to stop. People who have put the good of the community before their financial well-being. Why, if we are not "crucial professions", we must stop. Those companies that, in the same way, have stopped so that they can stop their workers. If not stop, braking. So they can stay home. These decisions are made, in my view, heroes. Why they have not looked at the navel, but the common good. I have lived it on my skin and I assure you that it is a HARD decision because you do not know what you are going to live next month. A decision that, I am clear, will not be rewarded with more sales in the future. Nor are we going to have substantial government aid. Comrades, we are also heroes.

6. Art, music and sports
If I have realized one thing, it is that these days we have lived from art, music and sports. Three things to which we give so little importance in our busy day to day. Aspects of our education that we devalue so much ... but that when things get "ugly" are actually what we live. Music on the streets, rainbow drawings, crafts, virtual classes that make us move.

he time has come for us to give them the importance they have. That we value that educating in these aspects is as (or more) important than mathematics, language, English. Let's not lose sight of him once everything is over, please.

7. The politicians.
One thing I have come to realize is the disconnect between politics and reality. While we had politicians saying that all the hospital centers had material, our friends, nurses or doctors made us suffer, confirming that this was not true. There is a very clear disconnect, this is undeniable.

And these are, for now, my reflections on the matter. As I said earlier, this is my personal opinion. I'm not a professional, I'm not an expert ... I'm just a mom and a woman.

If you want to share your opinion with us, go to our Instagram. We would love to hear your opinion.

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